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Hi all, I am actually after 1 month episode of searching for usable laptop, not satisfied results, as usually. Bit of tired, bit of dissapointed, as usually. I tested varius nowadays models by various manufacturers /but almost every model of laptop have panel from two manufacturers - AU Optronics or BOE./ In general I can say only that I have two types of problems - first one is classical eye strain and pressures inside head, migraines, which comes from backlit of panels. Second one is some weird type of inability of reading or understanding of displayed content, like some parts of images, letters in words are missing, any type of problem with peripheral. Is interesting, that this conditions perstist few hours after no looking at panel /also headaches, pressueres/. This problems starts 2015 and they are still the same.
Is necessary to say that my eyes are ok, like 16y old teenager, two visits in opthalmologist, same result.
This fact is confirmed by my old professional gear, which I am still using, because there s no alternative. EIZO 2736W from 2014 is my grail, no problems anytime. But I had this same model from 2015 /since start of my problems/ few months ago for testing, because I wanted two pieces of this model for more, and it was terrible - headaches, pressures after fist seconds of looking at this crap. My theory is, that something between 2013 - 2015 happens in LED technology industry. I havent problem with AMOLEDS and older gear of LCDs,but have a problem with LEDs started producing maybe 2013.. 2014.. you know, some new technology are gradually coming to the market. For example I have this same types of problems with flashlights and LEDs lights at all - I am not able to normally recognize iluminated objects under this types of light sources. It looks like partially illuminated, or some kind of dusk, really hard to describe. But its very similar like trying to recognize content on LED backlit iluminated LCD panel. I researched this topic around interner forums, and somewhere somebody wrote me, that in 2014 many of producers of LEDs of backlit just set their leds into more agressive blue spectrum, because many customers wasnt satisfy with displayed blue colour /maybe it was another colour, but at all spectrum was physically moved into more blue/. I am not seriously shure if it is true, but it sounds senseful. Something in 2014/15 happens and nobody knows what it was. What we knows is just a fact, that problems of many of us started in this period very suddenly.
Few results of my last trying to buy laptop:
Asus Zephirus M16 - absolutely unusable, not possible tu read and agressive backlit
Asus ROG Strix G15 this same
Lenovo Legion 5 PRO /various models with QHD/ - better than Asus, but still bit of agressive backlit and unreadability
Lenovo Legion 5 - this cheap plastic sh*t with FHD looks best from the about 14 models, which I tested in last month, I am seriously thinking about stay here
Dell G15 7011 - at the start looks best one, but after few minutes it hurts and it s heavy unreadable
At the end I think, that absolutely not depends on laptop manufacturer , because thay all are using panels from two or three ,,gigafactories" in China. This same panels used across all of trademarks on the market.
I really think, that problems of many of us are not coming from software /Nvidia stuff, all of this dithers and other/, but they comming from hardware - especialy LEDs in backlit.