I've tried dozens. Ones that 100% work (incredibly so - I wish they made screen protectors)
Are Ra Optics red glasses (night version). have multiple pairs. Orange ones are decent but I think red even better.
I've tried dozens. Ones that 100% work (incredibly so - I wish they made screen protectors)
Are Ra Optics red glasses (night version). have multiple pairs. Orange ones are decent but I think red even better.
Quad43 Thanks. May order these:
Amazon has hassle-free returns, and these are inexpensive yet seem like good quality.
What about Avulux glasses?
Quad43 Do you know how Ra Optics glasses differ to Theraspecs's? Aren't they both using an FL-41 tint?
definitely think the red is worth exploring, cut the symptoms but then made me feel funny the next day. these are free for new customers. they have contacts too. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/2255800473969754.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.2a727c53JtDNew&algo_pvid=4cdc113a-fdab-4c33-9ab7-6278c73cb833&algo_exp_id=4cdc113a-fdab-4c33-9ab7-6278c73cb833-17&pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22%3A%2212000027779669385%22%7D&pdp_npi=2%40dis%21USD%217.48%210.01%21%21%21%21%21%40210318b916548235536172407e07a9%2112000027779669385%21sea
I've tried a few different kinds of tinted glasses. Gunnars, 3m yellow safety glasses, uvex amber, uvex sct orange, the dewalt red laser glasses. And interestingly my maui jim neutral grey sunglasses overall seem to do the best at reducing eyestrain.
It seems to me like it's not really the color of the light that's the main culprit. The maui jims let the entire light spectrum in vs the tinted sunglasses but it makes the images less glare-ish and harsh, and makes the monitor easer to focus on by somehow kind of "flattening" the image. But like you it just somewhat reduces the symptoms.
Can I ask you a question since you're probably one of the only people right now who has both a pair of maui jims and an SVD RLCD monitor. Are the contents on the monitor (in normal landscape orientation) viewable while wearing the maui jims? Or do you have to tilt your head 90 degrees to see an image?
I sometimes flatten the image with windowskey-ctrl-c. I have the colour filter defined to greyscale for that one. If you need it warmer, you can also use night light.
Oh I see. I was just wondering if the screen has some sort of polarization to it like normal lcd screens, and if it's vertically or horizontally polarized. Sunglasses are vertically polarized to block environmental reflective glare that's usually horizontally polarized so you can use them to tell the orientation of polarization. In my experience IPS panels seem to be more often vertically polarized whereas VA panels seem to be more often horizontal, thus unviewable through sunglasses. Interestingly the LG c1(?) OLED TVs I saw at costco were vertically polarized for the 65" model and horizontally polarized for the 55" model.
Quad43 those glasses are extremely overpriced. Are the lenses at least glass? No different than uvex imo.
Enrico Eyewear is known for its stylish and high-quality glasses, but the true magic lies within the lenses. These carefully crafted pieces of glass bend light in precise ways to correct vision problems and provide clear, comfortable sight.
Tried tons, very limited success. Gunnar, Migralenses, Crizal coatings, Irlen coating, BluBlockers, etc etc.
I use RAoptics daily. Always works even on phone
I’ve tried many- most didn’t work at all.
These work for me darmore Blue Light Blocking... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0874TZ45X?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share