iPhone 14 & 14 Pro PWM Megathread
Peter Hi, yes, still using it w/ 9. I wouldn't mind a new camera, but at the same time, this device is pretty great for me.. very stable, I have everything set up nicely. I could see myself continuing to use it another 2 years as-is. I'm glad I got a good case for it, because I've dropped it a few times.
The X isn't my device, but yes you could use it especially if you put the brightness at 50% (and I also tend to be around there or a little lower/higher on the A70 too). The thing is though, even tho it's still supported by Apple, it's also now 5 years old.. so the camera would be 5 years old too.. I don't know that it's worth the bother.
I also don't know why people here are so into Apple.. it's a walled garden that is locked down. On Android I can do whatever I want.. I can sideload apps, I have a file explorer, I can use video containers like MKV, I can use different web browser engines, I can change the icons, etc. etc.
Sunspark Agree with everything you say.
I would like to separate my personal from my business phone life because at the moment i use two sims in the same phone. I also prefer the Android ecosystem being more open, but for business purposes i wouldn't mind having an apple phone if this is tolerable.
I also visit stores and to check out phones, Samsung A53 seems great. Every time i play with it it seems great. The display seems very easy on my eyes. I am thinking of getting it. Have you tried it?
iPhone 12, with pwm around 250, gave me eye strain. Had to sold it…
iphone 13, with pwm around 600, didn't give me eye strain, except when i was watching videos. But it wasn't a very agressive eye strain.
iPhone 14 pro - waiting for the review from notebookcheck to know the pwm value. But i read across the internet values are high. Might try…
Rui The full review isn't out yet, but the PWM rate should be 240hz:
really strange because i can use the iphone X and not the 14P! Maybe different panel or something else (variable refresh rate, LTPO, dithering etc..)!
I think the 240Hz from notebookcheck are not the final test result… I made a video from IP14 pro side by side with my 13 Mini.
The 14Pro must have a higher PWM freequency.
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I've been unable to use any OLED iPhone since the X and I been trying every year. The worst symptoms I've suffered have been migraines which have lasted for days as well as eye strain and motion sickness. Until the 13 series I could always tell my eyes and brain hated the OLED screen within the first hour.
The best result I had last year was with the standard 13 which I was able to use for a week but it kept making me feel sick in my stomach with constant burping. The feeling of unease and discomfort had me return the phone.
This year the 14 Pro didn't give me eye strain while I used it for the first evening although when setting it up I immediately felt a sweeping sensation of tension across the right side of my head. The next day I woke with an awful migraine that wiped me out for the day and the back of eyes felt like I'd been in a boxing match. So the 14 Pro was out like every year before it.
I waited a few days then tried the standard 14. I didn't feel eye strain or migraines but I did feel discomfort with my vision in the sense the screen light was bothering me while reading, something was off. It's like I can see a shimmer in my vision like someone is flashing a torch across my eyes. I've experienced the same sensation when using the iphone 11 and ipad Pro 12.9 M1 with miniLED.
I had a general feeling of unease while using it which after a few days I decided I didn't want to live with so I've returned it.
PWM and dithering are a big issue for me and I'm stuck on my 7 Plus for the 5th year. It leaves me not buying a new ipad or Macbook as these can also be problematic. It's frustrating beyond believe as I love tech and have used iPhone since day 1. Being on a 1080p phone there is no way I want to downgrade to an XR, 11 or SE 2022 with they're 828p displays.
Since the X left me feeling very unwell I started on this journey of finding out about PWM etc. Now the world is filled with PWM issues from the flashing lights in my office to the lights and screens they put in cars. It's depressing.
I've tried reduce motion, reduce white point, high brightness, attention aware off etc. Nothing makes these OLED iphone comfortable to use. In the spirit of full disclosure I am short sighted and wear contact lenses otherwise I have zero health concerns or issues. I genuinely believe it's the technology being used that is the issue, staring at flashing light cannot be good for anyone no matter how fast it does it.
Peter I took a look at the A53. The screen is fine, but there is one issue that I would personally reject. They have the sharpness/accutance turned up too high and there is no end-user setting to change that. To make it more visible, change the font to Gothic Bold, and look. You will see a white outline/halo around the black letters. This doesn't happen on my A70.
Sunspark Thanks. I did not notice that. I will visit the store and play with it.
In general the A53 screen seems ok, i have checked it in the various stores under different light conditions and it did not bother me. I am thinking of purchasing it and give it a try, it is the only way to know.
I will come back with after i get it in my hands.
I bought a Radex Lupin by Quarta and measured pulsation of almost every light source and display in my environment.
My iPhone Xr showed about 1-1.5% pulsation while iPhone 13 pro max about 10% the best with up to 60% at low brightness. iPhone 12 Pro Max has about 20% pulsation at 100% brightness up to 100% pulsation at low brightness levels. Surprisingly, 13 mini has the lowest pulsation at lower brightness - about 30% which is too high anyway.
I bought iPhone 12 Pro Max and exchanged display to Chinese IPS display from Incell in the nearest unofficial service. Incell has PWM - about 3.3% pulsation at about 300Hz. The display itself is good enough though it doesn't support True Tone. I feel some difference with Xr. I think that most part of that is due to the True Tone and a bit from PWM because a do not feel stress on eyes but have some feeling in the brain.
The solution is not perfect but it's something that is usable and doesn't hurt my eyes so far. I'll update if something comes out.
blokes444 I might try it I think, another guy on macrumors was also able to use it
it seems that it has a constant refresh rate at 60hz and that makes it much better than the 14 pro
Apple iPhone 14 smartphone review - Small upgrades for the Apple phone - NotebookCheck.net Reviews
MTNEYE I couldn't use that sample but I found another one from RJ manufacturer, the best from TFT aftermarket screens as far as I know. The pulsation is below 2% at any brightness and no sign of PWM. Very good color and sharpness. I couldn't turn on True Tone so far but will try in a couple of weeks when the service I went to get updated programmer version. So, I got iPhone 12 Pro Max with display of similar quality as on my Xr, finally.
to be continued )
Has anyone here tried the iPhone 14 (non-Pro)? Seems like everyone is trying the Pro or Pro Max version, but notebookcheck shows the regular 14 has a steady flicker rate that matches the screen refresh rate
On the iPhone 14 the flicker is noticeable. The iPhone 14 plus is very bad. The iPhone 14 Pro looks good to me.
I went to the Apple Store and watched a movie on the iPhone 14 pro for like 12-14 min long. I turned down the brightness to like 10%. I didn't feel anything. So i'm going to buy the 14 pro, I hope it will stay like that
With the iPhone 12 i get immediately headeche. Also iPhone 13 pro max with 10% brightness i feel eye strain and a headache after 10 min.
jpark28 you can check out Eye-strain while using iPhone X and up | MacRumors Forums
I tried it and it is not usable for me
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Odd. I have no problems using my new iPhone 14. No brain fog, strain or headache. Enjoying it so far!