• OS
  • Disable dithering on M1/M2 devices

mirza In this case, direct kernel debugging can only help. Not sure it is possible on the Apple silicon devices.

But before, it still worth to check more drivers. Maybe I missed something.

mirza But the shared solution would definitely work in the case if the IOMobileFramebufferLegacy class is used. It is unclear why its debug messages are missed in the log. This class is initialized in the kext's global constructor.

I read somewhere (I think macroumors) that temporal dithering is not used at all on macbook air m1… Is that a possibllity? Then what is generating this problem?

    mirza It is difficult to say right now as I never have M1/M2 based devices. I will get such device on Monday so I will have more flexibility.

    mirza To speed up the process, could you share the output of the 'kextstat' command?

    And it would be very useful to get all kexts itself. You can do it by zipping the folder /System/Library/Extensions

    mirza …and, please, the output of the "kextstat" command.

    mirza just type 'kextstat' in the terminal. This command gives you the output of currently loaded kernel extensions. Copy the output and share it here or somewhere else.

    mirza If you really use macOS ventura, it explains the weird things I noticed (you don't have any mentions of 'IOMobileFramebufferLegacy' in the kernel log).

    The macOS Ventura changed concept of using of the kernel extensions. I don't familiar with the technical details.

    The folder you dropped just doesn't have the drivers which existed on the previous macOS versions.

    Which OS should I install? I will try to revert to older one.

      NewDwarf - Installation is finishing now. What command should I enter in terminal?

        NewDwarf Update2: macOS Ventura has redesigned approach of using kernel extensions. More likely, this solution doesn’t work there. So try it on all earlier macOS versions.

        Presume that's product wide inc. Intel and not just limited to Mx. Boot args fix been working for me on a 2020 i5 4TB

          CRoebuck thanks. This is important information which means that the kexts are part of a kernel like the iOS kernel.

          mirza I guess the already entered commands are still active. You can verify it by the "nvram -p | grep boot-args" command.

          If it will return the parameters you passed to the command, please, run the

          log show --process 0 | grep "IOMobileFramebufferLegacy"


          Also, please do zipping of the /System/Library/Extensions folder and share it.
