hayder1983 thats why I'm considering getting one, since my eyes don't like most screens anymore and I have work to do, I just know it won't give me an eyestrain like screens do, I swear this problem has ruined my life and is giving me more stress, nobody can relate to this around me and everyone keeps saying I need to take breaks from screens, I did for over a month and it didn't get me anywhere and the worst part is that even activities that don't require screentime are making me dizzy..like reading books and drawing…heck his problem triggered when I finished a drawing..which makes me think that this could be something more than eyestrain..

    ZenXLaika It's a long story for me actually, you can check my other replies on this forum from last week, I think I described my issues there in more details. I'm a web developer btw. I had some pain for 2 years already, but nothing really serious, always just set minimum brightness and was good to go. It all started 3,5 months ago with sudden dizziness onset. Since then I'm basically useless to society and have to drag myself through the day in hopes that my next appointment will move me further into solving this. For 3 months I was mainly focused on my sinuses which I thought was causing this. However I had sinus surgery 3 weeks ago and my eyes did not improve a bit, actually they got worse a little. I will have two appointments next week with orthoptist and optometrist who will check my eyes. My symptoms are eye pain, soreness and general sensitiveness, which increase when looking at screens and second thing is feeling that images from both eyes are out of sync, like they are somehow misaligned - it's hard to explain though, because I don't see double and blurry, but there is this strange delay or something…

      ZenXLaika first of all be sure to check your eye health. Drink alot of water, use eye drops without any preservative(!) because dry eyes are a multiplier to all other symptoms(Including dizziness/nausea) .
      Just buy an older projector and resell if it doesnt work. Something 2015 or sth like that.
      I had terrible nausea/dizziness/brain fog, but it got better after abandoning the benq screen i have. I can relate. I thought sitting on a chair was impossible. Had symptoms like being poisoned.

      ZenXLaika you are having dry eyes. You wrote it yourself. Go see a doctor because of dry eyes. It might help at least a bit.
      I think dry eyes are no problem with a projector.

        mazury Thankyou for sharing your story I'm actually new here so I didn't read your previous posts and I'm sorry, I hope you find a permanent solution for your eyes, there is a chance this problem can go away completely for some and no you are not useless to society, you can still manage your symptoms somehow I'm sure, have you tried sunglasses to reduce strain? I tried that and wore them over my glasses while looking at a computer screen, it worked a bit to reduce strain for me, even though the dizziness was still there.

        hayder1983 you might be right, I could look at screens just fine before, I mentioned that this happened after binging overnight on this particular gaming laptop (Im unable to look at the laptop's screen now) and most laptops, I get lightheaded whenever I'm reading on screen, like my eyes have trouble focusing…and only certain screens give me dry eyes

        when this started, I was experiencing severe dry irritated eyes whenever I looked at any screen and it was painful to close my eyes, then I started using artificial tears and my dry eyes alot better…and a break for weeks.

        As soon as I received my new corrective glasses, my eyes slowly got used to my redmi note 8, I'm still getting lightheaded and get dry eyes with most screens, I don't get dry eyes when I avoid screens..so I highly doubt this is related to dry eyes only, this is also astigmatism at play, i think I made it worse because of my computer habits

        I only end up getting migraines with my current phone if I read or stare too long, either I'm wearing the wrong precription or I have a case of sudden onset ledstrain.

          ZenXLaika try to find eye drops usable for chronical dry eyes. Get in touch with your eye doctor how often you should take them. I take them 4 times a day, strong ones that are without preservative. Every eye drop in a small bottle is actually containing preservative.
          It sounds not as important, but at the moment i am nauseafree, all because of fighting the dry eyes.


            Try to connect PC to a monitor with DVI cable. I found it the most comfortable for my eyes. No hdmi or displayport. Don't use nvidia or amd GPU. Just intel integrated graphic adapter + DVI.

            About andoid. I would avoid using modern > 60Hz screens.

              1NGIBITOR my main phone has 60hz screen, it sucks cuz all the other phones in my house are the same… I wonder if I can change settings , I'm really not in the position to get another phone and none of the screens in my house are older..or comforting for the eyes..any settings for modern android screens that I need to know? if all else fails I might have to rely on a projector..

                ZenXLaika For your phone, turn on night mode (black backgrounds instead of white) and turn on blue light filter and move the slider all the way so it's orangey. You can also experiment with greyscale mode as well (it's a setting in Wind Down in Samsungs). You can experiment with disable hw overlays in the developer settings, though I don't use this. If I stare too much at white backgrounds, I can get a migraine.

                I think part of your problem is contrast. Try not using white backgrounds with black text. Use warmer backgrounds with text that isn't pure black. For web browsing on my PC I use the dark reader extension all the time.

                  Sunspark Thankyou, my phone is a xioami redmi note 8 2019 and i already have it on dark mode..I turned the blue light feature one and the orange display feels too bright, since I've also become light sensitive along with this problem.

                  That is strange to me, because a colour tint is less bright than white to me, but it's an adjustable setting, so adjust it to where it is comfortable for you. At noon i will have it off, but in the evening blue is too blue for me, so I need it on then.

                    Sunspark I changed the colour and made it warmer via colour scheme settings, changed it to a bluish tint, let's see if it's comfortable for my eyes..

                      ZenXLaika I forgot to mention, don't use vivid/saturated mode. Use basic/natural, that is srgb. I am not the only one here who dislikes dayglo colours. Unfortunately this is the default setting on oleds. You will find the switch in display settings.

                        11 days later

                        Sunspark Ty, I found the settings and have switched to standard (which if I'm not wrong is basic/natural)

                        a year later

                        Have you try a projector ? It worked for you ?

                          Old thread but I wanted to relay some of my experiences here: it really depends on the projector…


                          There's a bunch of Epson projectors at my college that I hate, immediately get tired in class if I look at them. First time I noticed this is because I realized I feel so much more awake and focused in class if I look at the wall or my notebook instead of the projector screen. Seems to be worse in classes where the professor is using a MacBook (even old ones) but still feel somewhat weird when a Windows laptop is connected to them as well. Especially when Macs are connected I get a super strong "false 3D effect", everything in YouTube videos looks like it has depth when it shouldn't. The weird thing is that they all say "3LCD" which implies they don't have the DLP flickering, but they still feel very flickery to me.


                          Meanwhile, totally on the other hand, I have a Optoma UHD projector at home and I love it - super relaxing flat image and colors, I prefer it to TVs, both PS5 and AirPlay through Apple TV look great on it. However, it only started feeling this good after I changed one setting: you have to enable "Enhanced Gaming Mode". This disables a bunch of post-processing and most importantly limits it to 1080p. This is because the projector is actually only 1080p despite it's marketing, and uses "pixel shifting" to achieve 4K. Most "4K" projectors are like this. I can tell when this is happening because the pixel grid on the wall looks blurry. If I then film an image with text in slow motion while standing super close, all of the text actually has this super disgusting shifting and morphing effect going on.

                          (TBH, I honestly think I'm okay with pixel shifting when watching high motion content like movies, because when I finally noticed something felt off and I decided to film it in slow motion, it was when using it as a computer monitor and had the resolution set to 4K.)

                          Fortunately, pixel shifting on my Optoma projector can be ENTIRELY disabled with the gaming option - after doing that the "real" 1080p pixel grid becomes super obvious and slow motion footage becomes still. The only catch is realizing that you did not in fact "actually" buy a 4K projector because you'll be limited to 1080p from now on. After the tricks are gone it's easy to notice that all 4K content simply gets downscaled.


                          Interesting discovery:

                          I think one of the reasons why I like my Optoma """UHD""" (yet actually 1080p) projector so much is that the pixel grid is unlike most displays I've used:

                          If pixel shifting is turned off, the lines that separate each grid cell become sharp. However, despite the obvious grid, the color inside each cell is still blurred enough where I can't see RGB subpixels.

                          This gives off the impression that it's a sharp grid but every cell has a smooth and pure color within, even if I walk up super close and look at an individual pixel. I'm not aware of other "actual" displays that work like this.

                          (by "actual", I mean that I am excluding low resolution "pseudo-displays" like arrays of huge diffused RGB LEDs which obviously don't have visible subpixels.)

                          This is typically unachievable with other displays - for example, if you walk up to a large TV it's easy to tell that every color is just an illusion created by subpixels. Matte coated monitors sometimes blur subpixels to an extent but then the pixel grid also becomes blurred too.

                          Many other projectors I've seen, including lower res ones that do not use pixel shifting, don't have a pixel grid that looks as "sharp" as my Optoma does and/or have more obvious color fringing.


                          I think it's this combination of sharp grid "without" subpixels that makes my projector feel very "natural" to me. Due to this I'd say one of the things to definitely look out for when evaluating a projector is how the individual pixels look when you walk up close to the image.

                            2 months later

                            Jo09 I never really bought a projector, really hard to find, sorry for the very late response, so far I'm only used to one game on my PS4 and my phone screen.
