KM This further confirms my observations about color profiles, which I mentioned in an earlier post. They introduce eye strain when they're active.

This lines up with my ICC cure on my monitor. It seems color profies have a lot to do with whatever we are experiencing

  • KM likes this.

KM yes I did it, when I set it to 68 or 70 without any filter it's way to bright for me and after one minute - pain, even on next day I've tried and max brightness for me was around 5. I know when I feel direct strain then it's almost impossible that it will better.
Filter I use with LG as I wrote and there works fine, but on 3T it's better then without but not the same as with LG. It's surly connected with color tint, but can't find this the best one even when I compere to LG, maybe some one will create this the best one and I don't think PWM is making my strain. When I saw video on youtube most of them show that OP3 or 3T have PWM but screen is way better then my iPhone 6 which have 0 PWM. When I mess in settings in iP 6 where you can change colour tint it's getting better to use but not as LG.
I had a lot of hope with this 3T, I've tried many phones and surly it is one of the best ones but not the same as my old G2. Now G2 is getting slow so when I have to I will try once again one plus maybe 4 or 5 we will se what will be next or I will try to stay once again with 3T on min brightness.

6 days later
11 days later
6 days later

Just to add to the list, I recently got a Huwei Honor 5x, and the screen is horrid on the eyes. Even with the Skinomi screen protector, which helped a bit, it is still unusable. Shipping it back to Amazon tomorrow

Now Android 7.1.1 is officially out for the OnePlus 3, and after 2 days I had to downgrade to Android 7.0 because my eyes didn't stop burning. Whatever it is, it's probably the same problem I had with LineageOS, which is on 7.1.1, too. Bad news in some way, since there won't be new security updates for older versions anymore...

    KM Yes, I had to root my device to block any updates to 7. There must be significant changes to the display technology in Android between 6 and 7. You can find some folks complaining about it, of course Google is quick to handwave away the problem as nonexistent.

      10 days later

      KM I use LG Flex2. It is currently the only P-OLED that doesn't use PWM. I can go for hours without any problems/headaches etc.
      In contrast I used Samsung Galaxy A3(2016) in a dark room for about 2 hours and got the mother of all headaches.

      • KM likes this.
      4 days later

      ensete you're lucky you can use 6. When HTC updated my One m8 from 5 to 6 I had to force downgrade and root the OS so it wouldn't pull OTA updates. They made HUGE changes from 5 to 6, at least at the firmware level on this phone. That isn't necessarily the case with all phones, though.

      Google handwaves it away probably because it's device-dependent. The OS probably hasn't changed much about the display output...


      What version of iPad can you use, and which IOS version?

      I spent some time with my girlfriend's iPhone 7+ this weekend. It's really nice, eyestrain is slow to develop on it. She has a tempered glass screen protector. It doesn't have instant-eyestrain like the 6 did. I'm going to see if I can play with it for a longer period and maybe put one of those matte screen protectors from skinomi on it. If that works for me, it is a viable upgrade path for my now-3-year-old HTC One m8.

        Gurm Something something courage, headphone jack 😛

        I find it better when I use iPhone 6 at greater than 30% brightness with reduce white point setting (accessibility- display optimisations) set at 100%. I also use darker colours ON & have adjusted colour filter to provide a very slight yellow tint. This combo allows me to use the phone for a long time. The iPhone 5 I have however is absolutely perfect in as much as there is no strain at all. I also experience no strain on Xiaomi Mi Pad, but all their other devices like Mi5, Mi Max etc cause strain. Samsung is taboo for eye people

          10 days later

          Gurm Have you tried the HTC M9? It doesnt say anything about LED backlighting on the specs. Thanks.

          The M9 is ... not as good as the M8, but it shipped with Marshmallow so that might be the problem.

          • Zaza replied to this.
            5 days later

            Gurm I am not sure which to buy? On the one hand the M8 seems to be usable for a few people, but is quite old now. On the other the M9 is newer but is less comfortable on the eyes.

            Thanks for the feedback.

            Have somebody tried LG G6, S8 or P10?
            We have those only in our Mediamarkt, but they use some strong withe led-s in whole store so after few minutes i feel like on drugs. So it's impossible to test some thing. I think that LG should work for me but I don't have place to test it. I will try to order online and than return. When I see S8 on youtube it got PWM and some problem with red tint and I know now that color tint is also causing strain even if I'm using my old Samsung TV or LG G2 - small color change causing eye strain so I thing S8 will not work for me anyway.

            4 days later

            On my iPhone 6s I have always used lowest brightness and when Night Shift became available I enabled that 24/7 and at it's warmest setting. There was an option in accessibility to 'Reduce White Point' but the effect was so insignificant as to make little difference.

            The display was still way too bright. Recently I revisited the 'Reduce White Point' option and found that there is a sliding scale and you can really dial down the harshness of the light (believe this was introduced in 10.3). It's a huge improvement and I can use the phone for short periods to shoot a text or short email whereas previously I would not use it except to make calls which I did with voice commands.

            It's still not a comfortable display and I can't get comfortable using as it can cause eyegraines which I usually associate with PWM but iPhone 6s does not use PWM..

            Either way this new slider on 'Reduce White Point' is a big improvement.

            7 days later

            I am iPhone fan since 3G. But I like other smartphones too. After 3G i cant use any high end smartphone because of eyestrain. I have problem with all flagships phones. I can distinguish ips display from the headache, nausea i get. I get a different type of headache from amoled. The only amoled i havent tried is rgb matrix. Pentile 100% headache for me. I dont have problem with ccfl. I thought i may try lg g flex the first one. Is it possible to order custom made display and fit it in smartphone? For example i would love a tn display like 3g's on iphone 6s for example. Has anyone tried anything like this or thought about it?
