• Lighting
  • Awful LED lights everywhere in USA...and upcoming incandescent ban!

async They even have a link to an open source guide at the bottom of the page

BTW, the website is updated every few days (just a couple of days ago there was no "No FRC" and the open source guide said "coming soon", and the contact form had just been added) so it's worth checking every now and then for new info

@photon78s you might have already known, but solarbacklight is the same website as spectrumview — so the first guide describes specifically how they made their monitor

    Nasty lighting is everywhere now even Nikon cameras have a "natural light" white balance setting.

    Source: https://bythom.com/newsviews/do-you-know-whats-automated.html

    First of all, artificial light is different than natural light. Natural light is a form of black body radiation, which means that light spectrum is created continuously both in value and time. Most artificial or human-modified light tends to have spectral gaps and peaks, plus they often have a frequency component. I'm a strong believer that if you're outdoors during the day photographing in natural light, you should always use Nikon's Natural Light Auto. If you're indoors (or outdoors at night in a city area with artificial lights present), you can pick one of the other auto white balances, but I'd argue that you need more information and should be using that to perhaps make a different choice.

      photon78s Nasty lighting is everywhere now

      I agree, and this is the part i don’t get, why is there such a push to ban incandescence light when everybody knows is the best quality source of electric light we have, ok maybe not the younger generation that grew up with cfl’s and led’s and maybe has never seen an incandescent bulb. But my question is, why do our political overlords want to discourage its use? The official narrative is because they use too much electricity and are not “efficient enough”. But this has many incongruences and does not stand for the least of logical scrutiny.

      First incandescent bulbs are known to last for centuries, https://www.museumoflost.com/the-centennial-light/ , this was just course before planed obsolescence kicked in, https://spectrum.ieee.org/the-great-lightbulb-conspiracy which then made the filaments burn much hotter to reduce their lifespan, but you can still have centennial lasting incandescent bulbs at home if you just wire them in series, for example instead of having one 100w bulb shinning at full brightness, just easily wire two sockets to connect two 100w bulbs in series, meaning it will still use 100w and output same lumens, but the bulbs will shine at 50% each, giving a nice warm light that will last for generations. So in reality incandescent bulbs can be really efficient in a long lasting sense, much more than led’s, and because they are made of just glass and metal without any plastic, their disposal are much environmentally friendly than plastic led’s.

      The second argument is about its electric to light conversion efficiency, that they use more electricity for the output lumens compared to led’s, and this is true, but they don’t say anything about photon and spectral quality because led’s are no match for incandescent bulbs in that sense. An analogy of their rhetoric is similar to somebody telling you that the only food you can eat is cereal, because the conversion of calories to energy is more concentrated by weight, and therefore its a more efficient mass to energy conversion food than other less caloric foods like for example fish. This is the narrative, that you should not worry about the quality of the food or photons you consume, because its energetic conversion efficiency is the single most important thing that matters...at least for light, because the consumption amount of electricity does not matter when it comes to electric cars, electric stoves, electricity devouring 5g celltower antennas, or to power trillion watt particle accelerators that nobody knows exactly how that is contributing to raising their quality of life. The political, environmental, and technical arguments against incandescent light use does not make sense from many points of view, or is there a hidden hand trying to ban incandescence?

        13 days later


        async Tbh it wouldn't be too hard to create a project here around building an optimal monitor with a 3d printed frame and incandescent backlight

        Absolutely agree, there should be a project page here around creating your own incandescent backlight monitor, it would certainly be the first of its kind.

        beyondthelight But my question is, why do our political overlords want to discourage its use?

        Because Incandescent bulbs made manufacturers pennies. and LED bulbs make them dollars, so they push for bans on incandescent so they can make more $$. It's all about the money

        Thankfully I saw this ban coming and stocked up with a lifetime supply of incandescent bulbs for my home.

          ensete I don't think this is all about the money, because its not like the government has a monopoly on LED bulbs, or any national industry for that matter, all led chips come from China, with very few exceptions. So its definitely not about the money in my humble opinion, i think there is something else, and its not about the energy consumption either, because how much more efficient everything has become now, compared to when people used to have incandescent bulbs at home, how many more solar farms and wind turbines have been installed, and other sources of energy found too. There is no shortage of electricity, no way, a lot of people even generate their own electricity at home, so why ban incandescent bulbs even homes are generating their own electricity? The ban is definitely not because they use more electricity than LED bulbs, because that is not a problem, because there is more than enough electricity, and even if there wasn't enough, people can still decide if the higher price they are willing to pay for using incandescent bulbs is worth it. Just like one can decide if its worth to have a small car or a huge truck, if it was about energy consumption why are trucks and sport cars not banned? So the incandescent ban concerns to something else, a hidden purpose, something that is being obfuscated.

            beyondthelight I agree. There's no other reason to force LEDs. When I went totally screenless and was only around incandescent and natural light for 4-6months+ I begin to feel so amazing, never realized I can feel that good. Felt smarter and super clear headed too. It makes sense now. All this stuff is wrecking us and those who "aren't affected" probably are but just have no idea since they're use to it/always been around the bad lighting since it's everywhere. I've been putting up feeling lousy with being around devices with bad lighting that I'm use to it again (since around last November) but I plan to go on a break from them all again soon. I miss feeling good and whenever I cut that stuff out I start feeling on top of the world again.

            Not to be way out there but some interesting things I've came across.



              And also body area networks (BAN). Also BCIs (brain-computer interfaces) and many other inter-related stuff. Imo technologies of manipulation and control.

              From the linked article:

              Lately, some solutions employed optical EM frequencies for deep brain stimulation, with a particular focus on optogenetics, as a better option to stimulate neurons with light compared to conventional electrical stimulation [11]. In particular, while existing solutions considered the insertion of wired optical cables into the skull, some new trends propose a miniaturized device equipped with an LED designed to wirelessly stimulate the genetically engineered neurons, which are sensitive to light at a particular wavelength

              Links that may be useful for monitor and computer design "beyondthelight":

              http://asilo.com/aztap1/ (low emissions computers)





                jordan It makes sense now

                Yes, there is no other reason to force LEDs

                jordan never realized I can feel that good. Felt smarter and super clear headed too.

                We are light creatures, light is so intimately linked to our mind and biology, many other creatures are not, dogs for example are not visual creatures, for them is all about the nose. The kind of light changes everything for a sensible Human being, for example fire light can transform moods and thought patterns, and other kinds of light can make one feel disconnected from reality and in a mindless hypnosis state

                jordan All this stuff is wrecking us and those who "aren't affected" probably are but just have no idea since they're use to it/always been around the bad lighting

                Yes, unfortunately some people only now cheap lighting, and perhaps just have used to that way of being and assume its normal, because they have no way of comparing.

                jordan I miss feeling good and whenever I cut that stuff out I start feeling on top of the world again.

                Its the kind of light that you see on those devices , not necessarily the devices themselves or the content.

                If you notice this nervous manipulation device works primarily by pulses

                photon78s No discussion of how LEDs and all this tech might/will negatively affect your biofield. A vitally important concept lost to most.

                Yea there is no talk about that at all, but that is on purpose, they don't want you thinking about light as an end by itself, rather as a means to an end, for example led light bulbs are good because it saves you money, they are good because they "last longer", bla bla bla, imagine if people ate food with that mindset, for example, oh yea lets eat cereal all day everyday because it saves us money!

                photon78s http://asilo.com/aztap1/ (low emissions computers)

                very interesting! and it uses incandescent backlight. Incandescent is the future for quality healthy light, there is no alternative, there is no other road, led light is very useful for certain things, but it has proven itself injurious to our well being no matter how its packaged, some types of luminescent light is more injurious than others, but photons are either luminescent or incandescent end of story. Im not saying quality incandescent photons should be in places that its not needed or suitable for practical purposes, each one has its place, but if you spend considerable time in front of monitors, then it makes sense not to use the same kind of photons as what a gas station restroom would use, rather you would want the best possible, because you will literally be interacting, receiving and transmitting information only by light.

                beyondthelight So the incandescent ban concerns to something else, a hidden purpose, something that is being obfuscated.

                Agreed, and I think we can observe forces at work attacking human flourishing, health, reproduction, life in general, belief in God and/or traditional religious/moral values (such as caring for your neighbor), and personal liberty.

                I am curious about your SpectrumView monitor and I wonder if you could share more photos and/or information, especially concerning the grid of light bulbs and diffuser. The SpectrumView monitors appear to have decently even backlighting (in their marketing material), while most of the DIY incandescent monitors I've seen are deficient in that area. A few points of curiosity are:

                • Light bulb type/specifications
                • Light bulb wiring (series vs. parallel, direct 120V/240V AC vs. DC, etc.)
                • Distance between light source and LCD panel
                • Nature of diffuser (hard/soft, apparent thickness, etc.)
                • Internal surface material/color within light box

                The 24" 1080p true 8-bit/non-FRC (supposedly) SpectrumView model at $560 seems reasonably priced for what it is, although a DIY project would be interesting (and potentially cheaper), and I'm not exactly a fan of their wooden case.

                  macsforme Agreed, and I think we can observe forces at work attacking human flourishing, health, reproduction, life in general, belief in God and/or traditional religious/moral values (such as caring for your neighbor), and personal liberty.

                  Fully agree, its as if something is trying to deprive us of our light

                  macsforme . The SpectrumView monitors appear to have decently even backlighting

                  Yes totally even backlight

                  macsforme DIY project would be interesting (and potentially cheaper), and I'm not exactly a fan of their wooden case.

                  Everything is made of wood, feels more like furniture than an electronic device, definitely adds grace to your living space, if you are not a fan of wood then here is one made of cardboard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHJx7D-ttdM it seems to be the most advanced incandescent monitor available after my friend's monitors.

                    Take a cheap am radio, tune it to 1710 hz or similar frequency, and place it next or as close as possible to LED flashlight. Listen to any changes in the sound or static from the radio. Most likely you will hear the interference from the led electronics. Then try this test again with an incandescent flashlight. You should not hear any changes in the sound.

                    beyondthelight So its definitely not about the money in my humble opinion

                    It was driven by the money. All US lighting manufacturers make more money selling LED lamps than incandescent ones.

                    all led chips come from China

                    Yes, they are manufactured in Chins for pennies. Then American lighting companies package them, market them, and charge you 1000x more than they cost to make, because they are selling people the lie they are eco friendly and will last 20 years and if you buy LED lighting you are a good person. It's all a scam to enrich them at consumers expense.

                    why ban incandescent bulbs even homes are generating their own electricity?

                    The problem for them was that on an open market LED's cannot compete with incandescent, so they have to pressure the government to ban them. It's crony capitalism, pure and simple.

                    Human beings evolved in a black body radiation environment, aka sunlight. Incandescent lighting is black body radiation lighting. Everything about our visual sense, our eyes, our optic nerves, our brains, everything evolved over millions and millions of years to work with sunlight. That is why incandescent lighting will ALWAYS be far more tolerated and healthy than LED's or fluorescent lighting. We were literally made that way

                      ensete incandescent lighting will ALWAYS be far more tolerated and healthy than LED's or fluorescent lighting

                      Fluorescent white light that comes from led's and cfl's come from phosphor molecules that absorb a high frequency photoluminescent light energy beam that subsequently emit photons with less energy. While photoincandescent black body light comes from the other end, from a low frequency energy source that subsequently emit wavelengths with more and more energy.

                      ensete hey have to pressure the government to ban them. It's crony capitalism, pure and simple.

                      That's your opinion and its valid in its own way

