Very curious Dasung E-Ink monitor
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The Dasung seems to have some goofy reviews on amazon. It looks like there was a spammer here trying to advertise for them too.
$700+ is a lot to put down for an epaper thing.
Philips has one also at the same price range. I can't seem to find it for sale in the US though. Amazon does not carry it.
I ordered the Dasung.
My eyes hurt so bad from my computer. At this point I am desperate.
Philips does not seem to sell their e-ink monitor in the US. The only company I could find that has it listed has very bad reviews on trustpilot.
I will follow up when it gets here.
An earlier Dasung I tried had horrible visible flicker that triggered my concussion-like “LED” symptoms at least as quickly as LED screens.
I wrote to Dasung recently and asked if they fixed the flicker problems and shared videos with them - no response yet. I’m very curious to learn what your experience is with the new screen. In the older Dasung, the screen visibly flickered in any non-white area in the entire part of the screen below and to the right of the cursor when the cursor moved. Also some activities would bizarrely create visible flicker - for example, if I highlighted a region of an Excel spreadsheet, the screen seemed fairly static once the cursor stopped moving. But if I pressed the copy command, the highlighted area would constantly visibly flicker. It didn’t make sense why they would engineer it that way.
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I can speak only for me. When watching video this thing is very jittery. It makes me feel nauseous. It is difficult to use for web browsing too.
The HDMI input did not work on my unit.
I am sending it back.
It is very nice of them to try. I am grateful for this company for putting in the effort.
I tried ne last year, it was their 8 inch model. It offered zero relief so I returned it.
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5y ago I had tried the 11inch HD one and it was trash, now I tried the Paperlike 253 and it has gone a long way! However due to the step price I think it's not worth buying it now as the color version will start shipping in Jan, I'm definitely going to try that one.
tbh if I stay on a single web site, mostly text blogs with white background or pdf books, I love it, refresh rate is super fast, scrolling is smooth, picture looks static and comfortable to read for hours. Ghosting is not that bad, sheet copy cells do not dither, mouse pointer dithers a bit on move but it's not as visible as in the old HD model.
However the mouse feels lagging and annoying, this is not a problem for single web site with scrolling but it's annoying if you do more dynamic work. If some page is dark it's hard to to navigate it (also hyperlinks are invisible!), so you can't just be on this monitor you must have a primary monitor in color, so you must disable QuickShade and DarkMode thus rendering the primary monitor super uncomfortable.
I'm testing the version with front light, the light is very bright. The monitor does not have brightness level btn, the software does, however that option does not work on Mac, that is the only software option that does not work, rest are good. The first day the light felt super annoying, however I fast got used to it, so even this monitor is super bright I do not have problems reading from it! Anyways I would still prefer the brightness level to work and do match the room light at night at this this step price!
Some people say it's not worth the extra price for the front light and to use computer light on top of the monitor, but I completely disagree with that. This monitor is big thus the monitor light is strong on the top and weak at the bottom, such uneven light is terrible to look at.
In a summary if you stay long time in a single program like vs code, terminal, single white website, pdf book, this monitor is great (unlike it's predecessor HD). Since my work requires lot of tabs switching, I find it annoying, thus I find myself using it only in the free time after work.
Given it's step price of ~$2k I do not think this monitor is worth yet, I have really high hopes for the color version that's coming early next year and definitely will be testing that one as well. Luckily I'm in US and buying them on Amazon from Sol with free returns.
I haven't tried the Sunvision RLCD (same price range of 2K, but that one has 15% restocking fee)
daniel_mate Have you tried Dasungs color version or Sunvision RLCD? If so, can you comment on them? I am in desperate position looking for a solution…
I haven't tried both of those yet, probably around end of year.
My current solution is BetterDisplay on MBP + TN monitor (in a glare free environment!)
Color Dasung starts shipping this month, so there are not many people that have tried it yet
Meantime I tried BOOX Tablet Note Air 3, thats color e-ink and I did not like it.
At same time got amazon kindle and I love it!
Expecting Eazeye to arrive this month
daniel_mate @daniel_mate Could you please tell why you did not like the Boox Note?
Was it the refresh? Contrast? And why Kindle is better?
I'm unable to use Kindle Paperwhite 2022 with the backlight, but fine with ambient light or red led headlight.
Boox Palma seems to be OK with the light on, though. So I suspect that Kindle light has some high frequency flicker.
daniel_mate there's already a review of the Dasung Paperlike Color
Maxx Could you please tell why you did not like the Boox Note?
At half brightness, the front light did not bother me on Kindle nor Dasung
Both look and feel like paper, like they are made by the same company (which they aren't)
On the other hand the BOOX Note, ePaper feel did not feel right.
The light was not equal, it was stronger on the left side compared to the right one (even for small 11 inch screen).
The screen plastic was somewhat different, the font was not popping.
It's heavy.
It looks great in that video!
btw I would not be able to use this monitor in his environment, there is too much glare on it!
Light bothers me on phone/laptop/tv however on Dasung does not bother me at all, I can bump it to max to fix the glare problem.
PS: re-reading my original post, there is option to change the light level from the monitor buttons (it's combo of 2 buttons), I did not know it at the time. By now maybe the software for Mac is also fixed