arturpanteleev finding this discussion feels like it’s opened my eyes so much. For the last few years I’ve had so many issues with screens, to the point where I worry so much about buying any new devices. I could never figure out what type of screen caused me issues, since the screens I own and can use all seem to be different so it made no sense.
Until I read this and figured out the connection was that I’m used to all these screens. It’s amazing but it all makes so much sense now!
I ordered a steam deck which is due to arrive next week, and I’ve been googling tips to help prevent eye stain on it, which is how I found this site. I’ve used patches before because I have convergence insufficiency which I’m sure is why I have this screen issue too, but I’m going to order a proper one (I had a home made one) to use when my steam deck arrives and pray it works for me.
I can’t thank you enough for talking about this and sharing your story. I’m so glad it has worked for you and I’ll be hoping it works for me too.