Over the years I've made a list of games that were unplayable for me, I would gladly post it on some developer forum to see if they could find something in common and maybe I'd get an answer, but I really don't know where to do that, so I thought I'd post this here, so maybe we'll have some things in common and something can be found.
So its mostly like this: If the game is safe, I can play it any amount of hours. Just like good screen etc. If its good its good. If not, its usually one hour (if no prior strain already with some other game of that sort), and the strain kicks in. Never was I able to fix this with in game settings (maybe just once, but I'm not sure the game was bad to begin with, I think i was just overreacting, it was Watch dogs 1 and I never have trouble with ANY ubisoft game).
Unreal engine is the most peculiar, since many games are fine and many aren't. I'm posting the ones that weren't fine.
Kena Bridge of spirits
Lies of P (both very sad, cause great games)
entire Dark Pictures Anthology
It takes two (still finished it playing an hour each day)
Vampyr (same, finished with short sessions)
Remnant from the Ashes
However a lot of games like Days Gone, Life is strange, Sherlock holmes series, System Shock remake, Little Nightmares, The Medium, Twin Mirror, FF7 Remake , Jedi Fallen Order and many other Unreal games are fine.
ANY Ubisoft game is fine. ANY Unity engine made game is fine. Battlefields were all fine. Witcher and CP2077 are fine.
Square Enix games are all fine. Both Niers are fine. Prey was fine. Sport games like FiFA or PES have always been fine. Konami Fox engine is fine.
Playstation ports are not fine (except for Days Gone which used Unreal). Last of us, God of war, doesn't matter, Decima engine kills my eyes, HZD, Death Stranding etc, unplayable. Quantic Dreams games are unplayable (detroid, beyond two souls, heavy rain etc). Resident evil remakes (2-3) are not fine, but resident evil 7 was fine and seems like so is the village. Rockstar Engine was fine until RDR2. LA Noire and GTA's were all fine.
I could go on forever, but so far this is the general picture. Anyone has any ideas what can be going on here?|
P.S. Forgot to mention that obviously the platform is PC, but I find playstation unplayable in general. Haven't tried Xbox. And also, the GPU, screen etc don't matter, it's all about the game itself.