chahahc Another thing I thought of is even if you buy a monitor buy a different company you have to research what panel is it. A lot of these guys use the same panel and sell them to all the companies. That's why all the 240HZ monitors all mostly performed the same. I think the Benq with Dyac was considered the best by Blur Busters. Another example is all the OLED laptops coming out this year are all useless and all the same because they are all supplied by Samsung. As far as I can tell the only one that got slightly tweaked and I bet it's still using PWM like all the rest of them is the Dell one because it has been altered a little to lower the blue light. That's why a lot of new monitors coming out this year are creating excitement as there is new panels in them and we are seeing a lot of improvements over LED's short comings. A lot of people talk about what different connections do to have an effect on people. I'm a big believer that some people on here would show good results with different HDMI versions as there is a difference in the information processed to the screen. HDMI 2.1 could be good for all of us thanks to quick frame transport. A lot of it is over my head but I get the jist of it. Also do a search on the differences between HDMI 2 and 2.1 I think the new LG OLED is the first device to support 2.1 at the moment so we are waiting for another device to connect to it. So someone email Sony to hurry up and release a PS5 with HDMI 2.1. I do believe we have computer monitors with HDMI 2.0 vs Hdmi 1.4 so you probably will get different results there. also I'm aware there is different DVI versions probably another way to get results. Just something else to think about in the millions of problems surrounding screens these days.

Here is the list of screens I can use with zero issues.
Sony Wega CRT KV-20FS120 - I use this for gaming with my retro gaming systems
Yota Phone 2 - Only requirement is it needs to be at 50 percent brightness. (This gives the typical DC dimmed 60 hertz OLED frequency.
Samsung Plasma TV - pn43f4500(2013 Model) I actually have 7 Plasma TV's from Samsung in my house
2 X 2013
1 X 2011
3 X 2012

My 2011 has screen burn and one of my 2012's has a similar issue so they give me issues but before they broke I had no issues. I still use 5 of them with no problems.

LG Ultragear 24GL600F-B - This is my computer monitor I use with no orange glasses or tricks. Black Equalizer on and Over Drive set to fastest and contrast at 55. I can use this thing for hours no issues.

Finally DLP - Going to a movie theatre I have no issues.

A lot of the screens I have mentioned here cost hardly anything compared to what you can pay for a screen these days depending on what you are looking for. All my plasma TV's ranged from 125 CDN to 250 CDN. My CRT Sony Wega I paid 10 dollars. My Yotaphone 2 I paid 220 CDN with shipping. It also has an E-Ink side that is kind of crummy but usable. I don't really use it though just the OLED side. The LG gaming monitor when I bought it was 220 I think. It keeps changing between 220 and 250 CDN. I had a list of all the problems of LED/CCFL and just started trouble shooting every problem I could possibly think of. Now I have 4 types of screens with no issues. I keep studying and I just picked up another CRT monitor that I am testing which I got for free. Lots of stores will allow you to buy a screen and return it which is another great option. I believe any screen you can find will provide clues to your issues. Good luck everyone.

  • JTL replied to this.

    jasonpicard NCIX used to have a horrible return policy, but they don't exist anymore.

    I've heard others claim Amazon is good.

    Not sure about Memory Express or Canada Computers.

    Canada Computers is great. Staples is great except the monitor selection probably won't help too many people on here. Amazon is great. Best Buy Is awesome. I have bought and returned monitors to all these places many times. I tell them straight up the monitor gives me eye strain and migraines. Never had a problem. Amazon I think you just check a box not sure it's been awhile since I returned one to them.

    • JTL replied to this.

      jasonpicard The concern for me using Amazon for monitors is the shipping can be all the way from and to Ontario and that's a bit far and expensive (I'd also be concerned about damage)

      Some other great points though.

      11 days later

      Guys, do you find recent Chrome or Windows 10 versions easier on the eyes? I was amazed that making clean W10 install resurrected my MS Surface Pro usability. It used to cause me nausea just after few seconds of staring at it and it's not doing it anymore in W10 or in Chrome (which I remember to be inferior to Edge in this regard). The issue still exists with older full-sceen games, so it's not something related to "me" (although I have new glasses, which may help). Now I can read webpages for multiple hours and nothing unusual happens. If it's not a general thing, then probably some of my settings was wrong - maybe bad driver, unnecessary color profile (there's no native Surface profile installed now) ...

      • Gurm replied to this.

        andc I don't find that the latest versions are "perfect" but in fact much much better. I've used a few systems for quite a few minutes before going "hey, this is new Win10, isn't it?" and my jump boxes which under 17xx and 18xx versions of Win10 were unusable even in terminal session... are now acceptable again. So I'm going to say 1903 is pretty solid here. It's a lump of trash in many other ways (if I'm wearing my sysadmin hat). But "better". Chrome also got "better". v69/70 were TERRIBLE. Newer versions are pretty ok. Firefox did the same thing. Not sure what keeps changing.

        That's good news, at least there's a chance that someone knows what needs to be fixed 🙂

        • hpst replied to this.

          andc That's good news, at least there's a chance that someone knows what needs to be fixed 🙂

          I'd put my money on it being lucky rather than an intended change. Since we still don't know whats causing things.

          At my work they moved me from LTSB 2016 to SAC 1803. Rendering is not as comfortable anymore, and I was unhappy about it. I have no choice but to fiddle and get used to it. They did say they are testing 1809 now, so I don't have to worry about being stuck on 1803 for 3 years. I really don't get why people like Windows 10, seems like every time a new build is pushed out, it breaks a ton of stuff for everyone and for this reason I dislike software as a service.

            Sunspark Even when using Win10 Pro I would find an update would put Candy Crush back on my taskbar. Also the fact I can't delete things like Xbox/Cortana etc bugs me. It must be a nightmare for sysadmins everywhere (or a boon as it keeps them in work 😉).

            • Gurm replied to this.

              diop you can absolutely remove those things. Google is your friend.

                Gurm It's been a while since I used W10 and I know there's tweak tools but I thought big updates like Creators Update brought Cortana etc back. Like @Sunspark said I'm not a fan of the SAAS model either, but as long as I have control over updates to some degree I'm happy (might look into the LTSB version).

                • Gurm replied to this.

                  diop no tweak tools. Just built-in MS command lines such as removeapppackage. However, you're probably right that it will come back with major updates. Yet another reason I use LTSB.

                    Gurm Not meaning to sidetrack, but at home why even use LTSB at all? Why not 8.1 or 7?

                    For me, on Surface there's no other option, at least official . With some hacks 7 or 8 might be possible, but I guess more issues will be present because of non-standard drivers, etc.

                    22 days later

                    Has someone ever tried the new notebooks with oled screens? maybe they could be good for our eyes...

                      Lauda89 All OLED laptops I've researched are known to have 60Hz modulation/flicker, so possibly a no-go for some folks.
