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DiscoDave I dont use smartphone but old Nokia phone so screen doesnt matter Im just using it to call.
As for the X850g on rtings it says 799:1 but on other revievs they sometimes hit 1152:1 value so I don't know... also ONLY that could cause all that pain hm... I compared this to my XE9005 and besides it they are almost the same althrought xe9005 has much better picture quality, im using it at 9/50 brightness and then it's flicker free. But maybe u right and that contrast ratio kills it for me.
What could you worry about X850G is the precalibration settings rated only at 6.4 which is quite bad... for example my xe9005 (aka x900e US ver) has rating of 8.3 and rtings says:
"Out of the box in the 'Custom' picture mode the calibration of the TV is excellent and could be used without any further adjustments."
And in fact I can tell I always liked the colours of this TV, movies are awesome and when I rotate camera in for example MGS V it looks super smooth. This can be important same as contrast ratio because with poor precalibration you can have similar problems
Hm atm im starting to think that maybe the coulpe PC games which gave me problems on this TV but didnt on monitor 24 will give me the same on other TV/larger screen because it can be couple of factors triggering it for example those games were Sniper ghost warrior and sim racers like assetto corsa all much FOV-related games so maybe on bigger screen my brain can't handle it...
The only thing that gives me some deep thinking is why on 43wd750 I could play all games on PS4 no problems but at 4k tvs I couldnt use PS4 no more with any games but I can with most of PC games... thats a killer. Maybe like some people said in this forum one PS4 update killed their PS4 usage so maybe its my case too... It all started for me in the era of HDR support.
Again probably without trying a 43 monitor I won't know for sure it would be most similar to my 24 monitor in terms of spec.