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martin Aber hallo
I have been using a MacBook Air (13-inch, Early 2014) since I changed job in January. At the start I had troubles but then I figured out eventually it was fluorescent and LED lights on the ceiling to drive me insane. Fearing for the worst, I have not updated the OS for the past 3 months. It is High Sierra 10.13.4.
I would like to stress that in the past I always judged MacBook Air impossible for my eyes, by inspecting displays of friends or at electronic shops. That is another source of confusion for me, because normally I can immediately tell what does not suit me.
As to phones, if you remember from my posts of early May I could not use my Samsung Galaxy On5 anymore without pain and strain after a software upgrade. I factory-reset the phone and I can use it again. I gave in exploring other phones. I bought three, last a Nokia 3310 3G, and, shocking, I cannot use that either. The screen is not the classic one of 15 years ago. It looks to me the usual useless upgrade. They did not improve anything except working hard to screw my eyes :-(