NewDwarf No. There is much better and simpler solution. Moreover, modern macOS doesn't allow to do it because of system integrity protection. Additionally, each update will break this.

It is weird this thread has such a long history but the solution is still not found.

It took ~1 hour to reverse the driver and find a solution.

…think about a backdoor. The solution is kind of a backdoor.

    insta42014 Also, you already found the magic string. Why you don't want to move in this direction to understand how it is used?

    NewDwarf It is weird this thread has such a long history but the solution is still not found.

    Thread about AMD graphics which is different driver architecture then the Intel. So not weird at all.

    In addendum could be that even when dithering is used the algorithm changes between macOS versions which could explain differences in perceived strain between unmodified versions on same hardware.

    Could be changes in algorithm to match some arbitrary benchmark of color reproduction on already released hardware. A guess.

      axel I guess this thread about both, Intel and AMD, GPU's.

      The dithering control is exactly the same between different versions of macOS at least for the Intel GPU regardless of the specific device.


      I found this on youtube. These folks used an iphone and filmed at 240fps then slowed it down. The flicker is visible. This is showing a Macbook Pro 2021.


      Thinking about it now, this might also be showing the OLED PWM flicker. This is an OLED model.


      Thinking the same. This would allow Apple Devs to change without needing to bypass SIP…..

      NewDwarf I think I got it then 🙂

      I used to not be able to use HiDPI resolutions, but after entering the command and rebooting, it's extremely usable. I still feel a little different from Safe Mode though, so I'm gonna try to get rid of the unnecessary graphics-related kexts that aren't in Safe Mode.

        CRoebuck Not too sure what you mean, could you explain?

        I'm going to try to unload unnecessary kexts and hope my computer still boots normally, essentially.

        I was simply questioning if the command was along the lines of $defaults CurrentHost <CMD goes here>

        Sadly I gave up my 2020, might have to try and grab one to see if this makes it usable as my 2017 is on its last legs and I was close to pulling the trigger on a Wintel machine.

          CRoebuck got it, and I didn't use that. The command actually uses a surprisingly simple feature of macOS. Let me know if you pick another one up, I'm currently on a 2020 as well.

            devilgrove But with this tweak, can you now use that MB? Is it something related with the dithering?

              Lauda89 i was able to use it before, but still with a decent amount of headaches and eyestrain. However after the fix it's practically as good as Safe Boot (I'm actively trying to find a way to make it 100% equal).

              I'd be willing to share, but NewDwarf is technically the reason I was able to figure it out in the first place, so I would want to hear from him first before doing anything.

              And yes, it's directly related to dithering.

                devilgrove This would be a huge finding! If you share how to do it and several users experience benefits it is something you can bring to apple's attention to put an accessibility setting that would disable that feature.

                Is something that can work only with intel GPU or also M1/2 SOC?

                  Lauda89 to be honest this issue has been around for so long that I don't think Apple cares at this point, but it would be good to get out to the masses so that they don't have to deal with this problem.

                  I tried looking up if the command would be available on Silicon, but couldn't find anything online. I'd need to get my hands on a Silicon laptop and do some testing on Terminal to figure it out.

                  devilgrove You can simply verify the result by the command

                  log show --predicate "processID == 0" | grep Dither

                  If you entered the correct command, you can see such kernel log

                  Default     0x0                  0      0    kernel: (AppleIntelICLLPGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][LOG  ][MODESET   ] Dither is disabled in pipe misc

                  if it will print out

                  Default     0x0                  0      0    kernel: (AppleIntelICLLPGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][LOG  ][MODESET   ] Dither is enabled in pipe misc

                  the command, you entered, was incorrect.

                    NewDwarf oh wow, when I entered the command, it actually says my dithering is still enabled. Wonder what I did wrong

                    Since my solution seems to be a unique one (and could possibly be incorrect) I'll post it here.

                    In Terminal, write:

                    sudo nvram boot-args="dither=1"


                    Also, you can check if it's there by entering nvram boot-args afterwards. It should write out boot-args dither-1

                    Edit: this is actually incorrect, it should be sudo nvram boot-args="dither=0", thanks to NewDwarf for the fix.
