Just dropping a quick script here for people that want to experiment with multipe flags a bit easier. Just drop it in an .sh file. It required betterdisplaycli. Do note that some of the values have been found to improve things, and some are just not found to cause adverse effects. If anyone wants to experiment use something like TestUFO.
# Helper function to run command and print specifier
run_and_print() {
local specifier=$1
local property_type=$2
local property_value=$3
local display_name="built"
# Get the current value
local current_value=$(betterdisplaycli get -namelike="$display_name" -specifier="$specifier" -framebuffer"$property_type"Property 2>&1)
# Set the new value
local output=$(betterdisplaycli set -namelike="$display_name" -specifier="$specifier" -framebuffer"$property_type"Property="$property_value" 2>&1)
if [[ $output == *"Failed"* ]]; then
echo "\033[31m$specifier\033[0m\033[90m - $current_value"
echo "\033[32m$specifier\033[0m\033[90m - $current_value - $property_value\033[0m"
# Boolean properties
run_and_print "enableDither" "Bool" "off"
run_and_print "uniformity2D" "Bool" "off"
run_and_print "IOMFBTemperatureCompensationEnable" "Bool" "off"
run_and_print "IOMFBBrightnessCompensationEnable" "Bool" "off"
run_and_print "enable2DTemperatureCorrection" "Bool" "off"
run_and_print "enableDarkEnhancer" "Bool" "off"
run_and_print "DisableTempComp" "Bool" "on"
run_and_print "AmbientBrightness" "Numeric" "0"
run_and_print "IOMFBContrastEnhancerStrength" "Numeric" "0" # better to look at with it on but it seems to adjust slowly causing flicker and blotching
run_and_print "IdleCachingMethod" "Numeric" "1" # reduces software cursor flicker from color profile
run_and_print "overdriveCompCutoff" "Numeric" "0" // default 334233600, can cause stuck pixels?
run_and_print "VUCEnable" "Bool" "off" # unstable?
run_and_print "BLMAHMode" "Numeric" "1" # default 2
# stuff that seems a bit better on
#run_and_print "APTEnableCA" "Bool" "on"
# run_and_print "enableBLMSloper" "Bool" "on"
# run_and_print "APTEnablePRC" "Bool" "on"
# run_and_print "APTPDCEnable" "Bool" "on"
# run_and_print "enableDBMMode" "Bool" "on"
# run_and_print "BLMPowergateEnable" "Bool" "on"
# run_and_print "IOMFBSupports2DBL" "Bool" "on"
# run_and_print "DisableDisplayOptimize" "Numeric" "1" # unstable