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Gurm So the XBOX1 when plugged in to the ST50, the X1 gives me the option to display at 24 bit "8 bit," 30bits "10 bit," and 36 bits "12 bit" color depth. What would be the best settings to use for the XBOX1 and ST50? Would using 36 bit setting mitigate Xbox1 dithering? I am assuming it can reproduce 30 bit and 36 bit color as with the x1 plugged into a monitor it doesn't give me the option. It only gives option for 8 bit with monitor.
About the nintendo switch, it utilizes a sm20b gpu and Tegra x1 chip which they say is a maxwell family nvidia chip. Do you suspect dithering?
Hypothetically if you have a true 8 bit panel hooked up to a source outputting at 8 bit why would there still be dithering? ATI can have dithering enabled but if say in the Xbox ones case, if you lock it in to display at 8 bits on a true 8 bit panel doesn't that mean there's no need for dithering?
In the case of plasma isn't dithering also being displayed by quickly alternating red and blue pixels to simulate purple? As far as pwm, I know exactly what you mean by image persistance and it leaving a afterglow even after you turn off the TV. Such was the case with a older Panasonic g20 plasma I had. But that never happens on the st50. As panel tech got newer I believe they improved phosphor speeds to reduce other artifacts. Also as you probably know different manufacturers use different ways to drive their subfield drives. For example 2012 Panasonic plasmas imploy a focused field drive of 2500hz and up as opposed to sub field drive if 600hz. Could this be why some people perceive flicker on some plasmas? Do oleds handle dithering the same way lcd's do? As in flicker between red and blue for purple?
I know I know a lot of questions.....
Thanks for the help Gurm!