E ink is a completely different screen technology than LCD/OLED and many people say it's more comfortable to look at, though it definitely has limitations like black/white on most models, low refresh rate, etc. It's the same screen as used on Kindles.

Here's a quick showcase of many common Android apps being used on eink:


It's biggest disadvantage is poor USA cell reception, but Bigme is releasing b/w and color eink phones soon and they say it will work in USA. But I think the beautiful and easy on the eyes screen is worth it even just using over WiFI.

Bigme announcement video, it says USA support in comment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezRu-SkhuBo

    axu2 I wish but with how flickery they are they bother me really bad after some use. I had an a7cc phone and Boox tab ultra and started getting symptoms after seeing it refresh and scrolling unfortunately since they technically are dithering.
    Maybe if their refresh rates were WAY higher.

    I just wish someone would create an rlcd or tlcd phone with at least 120hz refresh rate and true bit display with no frc/dithering..that would be a dream.

    • axu2 replied to this.

      jordan I agree that scrolling is really bad on e ink, but using apps like EinkBro browser to do fixed length "page turns" insteads of scrolling helps a lot. I'm assuming you don't have issues just looking at a non-moving eink screen on a still image like a book page.

      Also, I've read on reddit that some people complain about boox devices in general, especially their frontlight. And the color Hisense models are not for everyone due to the extra color layer. Same people say that Kindles and Hisense b/w have the best screens and frontlights.

      I carry both an A9 (for reading books, newspapers, magazines, browsing) and iPhone (for music, calls, banking, audiobooks, camera). I actively use the A9 screen about 10 times as much as the iPhone and love it.

      I'm running Lineage on it, and use EasyScroll so I'm not limited to supporting apps for page turn via buttons.

      I don't use it as my sole device because the iPhone integrates so well with my Apple Watch, HomePods, AirPods, Mac.

      The DC dimming on the Hisense front lighting is much better than some other e-ink devices (I assume some use PWM - the lighting on recent Boox devices gives me an instant headache).

      Also the lighting can dim very low for comfortable reading in the dark. I use macrodroid to easily switch between different low light settings.

      3 months later

      I use it as my main and only phone. I find it great, but I'm used to using e-ink.

      I can't use LED screens at all except TV to some extent where there's moving pictures.

      You'd want to match the frequency bands to your carrier though, which is easier in some countries than others. Here in Australia Vodafone is the best match with the phone supporting all bands I believe.
