- Edited
6bit + FRC = 8 bit = 4 repeating pattern frames to get extra 2 bit color data
6bit + Hi-FRC = 10 bit = 8 repeating pattern frames to get extra 4 bit color data
Are you sure this is the case? As far as I've read up:
6bit + FRC = 16.2m
6bit + HiFRC = 16.7m
As per http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/black.php at least.
At 60hz Hi-FRC very noticable, eye got strain, thats why manufactures increase framerate upto 120+hz to smooth effect. The question is: manufactures present 120hz as good for games and eyes, but can they "mask" false 8 frames?
At 120hz panel you get only 120/8 = 15 real frames, all others are "flickers"
At 144hz panel you get 144/8 = 18 real frames
Can you quote the source? I'm confused what you mean by this.