- 37 minutes ago
- Joined Mar 16, 2024
Updated first post with UHD730 ( Intel i5 13400 iGPU ) research
Guys, is anybode tried rtx50 gen cards? They use GDDR7 memory, do they bad as previous RTX cards…?
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Yes, pixel inversion type / FRC type on monitor side, desync with GPU / CPU dithering.
Check comments ->
Could you try it in 60hz mode? Should be much easier for eyes
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In your case, you need to find materials which filter blue spectrum, and glue it to the screen. All LED based technologies hurts you, because of blue light (not sure but maybe it damaged your makula / retina throught the years, and now you feel pain )
I suppose warm profile also hurts you
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AshX software updates to the OS
They can change blend type (i.e. dithering)
For example, old OS use in grapfic pipeline only spatial (per each frame) dithering. Nowadays, with more powerfull GPU, they can run temporal (spatial but keeping more framebuffer). Or use double/triple method of blending. In theory it work okay, in practice we met chaotic pixel curcus
Spatial is good. I use it on old asus 6-bit laptop (via GPU), and in new laptop (switch display to 6-bit automatically set Spatial in iGPU). Looks good.
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AshX It does have PWM, though
PWM is another factor. Imagine, your backlight LED flicker, then pixels on the screen also flickers, each has own frequency. With PWM-free screen, you get only pixel flickering (FRC)
AshX Is there a standard equation used to determine FRC freq based on refresh rate?
Nope, I did measurments by myself with panels. First I run it in 6-bit 60hz mode, made 4k60 video record, then run panel in 8-bit mode (and found FRC patterns), then run panel in 6-bit + GPU dithering (spatial, dynamic, temporal), and found difference. 4 repeating FRC patters at 60hz screen mean 15hz flicker
Another flickering factor is pixel-inversion (4 types), but it doesnt impact from my experience, it has screen_refresh_rate/2 formula, and provides a uniform fill
AshX claimed it was an 8 bit display
Best way to check is display true 8-bit, to run it in 6-bit keeping disabed GPU dithering. If you feel better, the monitor is 6-bit with agressive FRC. All monitors/screens 2k75 / 2k165 / 2k120 / FHD 60 / FHD 100 I tested were 6-bit, I am not sure 8-bit exists
The answer is clear
All panels are 6-bit
If you set 60hz, the FRC flickering is very low (15..20hz), it acceptable and depend on FRC type used. If you set 50hz, it would be more acceptable
All high freq monitors (120hz) increase FRC freq to 60hz, which is very fast and overload nerves (stroboscope), it starts to pixel flicker twice faster
The benq 100hz is marketing, in my gw2790e case, they used old lg 2014 year panel and overclocked it, having vertical line artifacts
If panel have VRR, FRC freq also move up and down, you get nausea more faster than constant refresh rate
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benq gw2790e: IPS FHD 27" 6-bit + FRC, panel used: M270HCJ-L8B or LM270WF7-S1A3
I got LG panel, comfort panel to use in 60hz. In 75/100hz it show vertical lines similar as xiaomi mi 2k165hz 27" did at 46hz and above. Not sure but vertical lines could be artifacts due of FRC and refresh rate desync. Difference of eye-strain between 6-bit or 8-bit input, is minor, red color is more intensive compared for old benq2420z. Better to use with DP cable than HDMI (idk why). Monitor can detect 16-235 / 0-255 input range. The color temperature at default is very good - 6000k. No PWM detected in 100...20% of brightness. I prefer to use In 70% of brightness and -2 LowBlue value and 4 sharpness, it shine at 200 nit
beqn bl2490: IPS FHD 24" 6-bit+FRC, panel used: M238HCA-L9B or LM238WF2-SST3
@WhisperingWind may I ask you to measure rtx20 gen cards for dithering purpose like you did?
Today I replaced b580 to rtx2080s and insta got strain, in desktop, on static…
Updated first post with Arc B580 GPU research @WhisperingWind this could be interesting for you
win10 didnt support E-cores well (win11 - does)
Using win10 1809 (safe) and 12+ gen intel CPU you can get same power for all P/E cores which is bad. I think for intel, 12400/12600 which not have E-cores, is good option.
Secondary, I suppose XMP or OC destroys intel CPU memory controller due to increased voltage. All safty combinations I met, were DDR4 jedec 3200 (CL22), or DDR5 jedec 4800 (CL40), or DDR4X 4266 CL38. I mean, all were jedec bases (not XMP or EXPO)
Thirdly, good motherboard and PSU: with excellent power filters (no extra voltage crosstalk), with good design
technicalitch i set contrast on monitor
Check this, how brightness/contrast work