Donux As someone else here once said regarding correlating positive reviews from "normal" people with reduced probability of a product causing eyestrain, and I feel a similar concept applies here as well.
All of those quotes from people you're quoting with VA panels espousing their virtues are not people who experience the types of severe debilitating eye strain discussed in these forums. Their perspectives are nice and all, and may hint at potential options, but really bear little relevance to us as a group.
That is to say if you really think these issues are going to be solved by virtue of engineers using the same technology they develop. I think you are mistaken. If that was true Samsung would not try to justify in continuing to utilize PWM flicker in their OLED displays of which they are the primary supplier for the industry, Apple would not be regressing eye comfort with miniLED, etc. That is to say not that change is impossible but barring the above caveats it's unlikely to come from the engineers themselves.