- Edited
Due new model S90D I've bought 65' S90C in promotion. Now it's more then 3 months so I can write this maybe it will help somebody.
First month I was thinking to throw this thru window, but now I can say I found settings that not do any eye strain. It's not that I've trained my eyes if I will reset now TV strain will return imieditly.
For now it's the best TV I've ever seen or used, best colors, contrast and quality. No shadows or blooming. Very good sound quality.
Most importent settings are:
turn off all motions settings,
color profile: standard(film and rest don't work I've tested every one),
brightness: 12 at day, 8 at night, HDR: 2 max,
contrast: 45,
sharpens: 10,
color: 20,
contrast enhancer: low,
color temperature: 1 warm,
white balance: blue saturation: +5,
gamma: +2 and shadows: +3,
color space: original(important!),
rest settings: turned off