sorry i am not native english speaker,for one month i try diet program eating oat every day, 2 times a day for rice substitution before that i never eat oat and after about one month i have headache and migraine whenever i use smartphone before start eating oat i can use smartphone no headache at all,i have google that oat can cause headache migraine brain fog nausea light sensitivity etc i already go to doctor to check my eyes and head and all normal
at first i thought because my phone got automatic update to android 14 but i already downgrade it to 13 and still got headache and i have bought a new one with excatly same type and same original android 13 still got headache
i have stop eating oat for one week but still no improvement,i read in reddit that oat effect can be still in body in a few weeks or maybe a few months after stop eating oat so now what can i do just waiting the effect of oat dissapear from my body
i dont know what happens in my body so depressing feel suicidal