• Other
  • What about a survey that might help us find answers?

I was thinking if we had that data and perhaps we could all complete a really robust survey that includes things like the questions below. I can build the survey and make all captured data available here. The idea is to look for patterns that might give us clues as to what correlations we have with symptoms and lifestyle etc. I can make sure I dont capture PII data and that I dont retain data etc for GDPR or other privacy regulations. What do you all think of the idea? Any data scientists/analysts or researchers here, maybe we can collab?

If anyone has any suggestions for questions that would be wonderful!


  1. Age: What is your age?

  2. Gender: How do you identify your gender?

    • Male

    • Female

    • Non-binary/third gender

    • Prefer not to say

    • Other (please specify)

  3. Location: In which country or region do you live?

  4. Ethnicity: Which of the following best describes your ethnicity?

    • White

    • Black or African American

    • Asian

    • Hispanic or Latino

    • Native American or Alaska Native

    • Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

    • Mixed race

    • Other (please specify)

Health History

  1. Current Health Conditions: Do you have any current health conditions or diagnoses?

    • Yes (please specify)
    • No
  2. Past Health Conditions: Have you had any significant illnesses or conditions in the past?

    • Yes (please specify)

    • No

  3. Medication History: Are you currently taking any medications?

    • Yes (please list)

    • No

  4. Drug Use History: Have you ever used any recreational drugs or substances that could impact your health?

    • Yes (please specify)

    • No


  1. Frequency of Symptoms: How often do you experience migraines or related symptoms when using LED screens?

    • Daily
    • Several times a week
    • Once a week
    • A few times a month
    • Rarely
    • Never
  2. Type of Symptoms: What symptoms do you experience from using LED screens? (Check all that apply)

    • Headache/migraine

    • Eye strain

    • Blurred vision

    • Dizziness

    • Nausea

    • Fatigue

    • Sensitivity to light

    • Other (please specify)

  3. Severity of Symptoms: On a scale of 1 to 10, how severe are your symptoms when they occur?

  4. Time of Day: At what time of day do your symptoms tend to be the most prevalent?

    • Morning

    • Afternoon

    • Evening

    • Night

    • Varies

    • Only when using specific devices

  5. Duration of Symptoms: How long do your symptoms typically last?

    • Less than 1 hour

    • 1-3 hours

    • 3-6 hours

    • More than 6 hours

    • Varies

Behavior & Environment

  1. Screen Exposure: How many hours per day do you spend looking at LED screens (e.g., computer, phone, TV)?

    • Less than 1 hour
    • 1-3 hours
    • 4-6 hours
    • 7-9 hours
    • 10+ hours
  2. Screen Type: What types of screens do you use most frequently? (Check all that apply)

    • Smartphone

    • Tablet

    • Laptop/Computer monitor

    • TV

    • Other (please specify)

  3. Lighting Environment: What is the lighting like in the environment where you use LED screens?

    • Bright natural light

    • Dim natural light

    • Bright artificial light

    • Dim artificial light

    • Dark

  4. Breaks from Screens: How often do you take breaks when using LED screens?

    • Every 15-30 minutes

    • Every hour

    • Every 2-3 hours

    • Rarely take breaks

    • Never take breaks

  5. Posture: How would you describe your posture when using screens?

    • Good (e.g., sitting up straight, ergonomic setup)

    • Poor (e.g., slouching, awkward angles)

    • Varies

  6. Physical Activity: How often do you engage in physical activity during the day?

    • Multiple times a day

    • Once a day

    • A few times a week

    • Rarely

    • Never

  7. Screen Settings: Do you adjust screen settings like brightness, contrast, or blue light filters?

    • Yes, often

    • Sometimes

    • Rarely

    • Never

Additional Context

  1. Wearing Glasses or Contacts: Do you wear glasses or contact lenses?

    • Yes, glasses
    • Yes, contacts
    • Yes, both
    • No
  2. Pre-Existing Eye Conditions: Do you have any pre-existing eye conditions (e.g., astigmatism, myopia)?

    • Yes (please specify)

    • No

  3. Stress Levels: How would you rate your overall stress levels?

    • Very high

    • High

    • Moderate

    • Low

    • Very low

  4. Sleep Patterns: How many hours of sleep do you usually get per night?

    • Less than 4 hours

    • 4-6 hours

    • 7-8 hours

    • More than 8 hours

  5. Caffeine Consumption: How much caffeine do you consume per day?

    • None

    • 1-2 cups (or equivalent)

    • 3-4 cups (or equivalent)

    • 5+ cups (or equivalent)

Environmental Factors

  1. Air Quality: How would you rate the air quality in the area where you use LED screens most frequently?

    • Excellent
    • Good
    • Fair
    • Poor
    • Very poor
  2. Temperature: What is the typical temperature in the room where you use LED screens?

    • Very cold

    • Cold

    • Comfortable

    • Warm

    • Very warm

  3. Humidity Levels: How would you describe the humidity levels in the environment where you use screens?

    • Very low (dry)

    • Low

    • Moderate

    • High

    • Very high (humid)

Device Usage Patterns

  1. Screen Brightness: On average, how bright do you keep your screens?

    • Very dim
    • Dim
    • Moderate
    • Bright
    • Very bright
  2. Screen Distance: How far do you usually sit from your screen?

    • Less than 1 foot

    • 1-2 feet

    • 2-3 feet

    • More than 3 feet

  3. Multitasking: How often do you multitask on different screens at the same time (e.g., using a phone while watching TV)?

    • Always

    • Often

    • Sometimes

    • Rarely

    • Never

  4. Eye Care Practices: Do you practice any eye care routines (e.g., using eye drops, doing eye exercises)?

    • Yes (please specify)

    • No

  5. Screen Settings Knowledge: How familiar are you with screen settings like blue light filters, brightness, and contrast adjustments?

    • Very familiar

    • Somewhat familiar

    • Not very familiar

    • Not familiar at all

Personal Habits

  1. Dietary Habits: Do you follow any specific dietary restrictions or habits (e.g., vegetarian, gluten-free)?

    • Yes (please specify)
    • No
  2. Water Intake: How much water do you drink on a typical day?

    • Less than 4 cups

    • 4-6 cups

    • 7-8 cups

    • More than 8 cups

  3. Alcohol Consumption: How often do you consume alcohol?

    • Daily

    • Weekly

    • Monthly

    • Rarely

    • Never

  4. Smoking Habits: Do you smoke or use tobacco products?

    • Yes, regularly

    • Yes, occasionally

    • No, but I used to

    • No, never

Psychological Factors

  1. Anxiety Levels: Do you experience anxiety, particularly when using screens?

    • Yes, frequently
    • Yes, occasionally
    • No
  2. Depression: Have you been diagnosed with depression or experience depressive symptoms?

    • Yes

    • No

  3. Work Environment: Is your primary use of screens related to work, leisure, or both?

    • Primarily work

    • Primarily leisure

    • Both equally

Technology Preferences

  1. Device Preferences: Do you prefer using devices with smaller or larger screens?

    • Smaller screens (e.g., phone, tablet)
    • Larger screens (e.g., desktop monitor, TV)
    • No preference
  2. Use of Blue Light Filters: How often do you use blue light filters or apps to reduce eye strain?

    • Always

    • Often

    • Sometimes

    • Rarely

    • Never

  3. Completely Unusable Devices: Which devices, if any, are completely unusable for you due to your symptoms? (Please list all that apply.)

  4. Partially Usable Devices: Which devices are somewhat usable for you, but still cause some discomfort or symptoms? (Please list all that apply.)

  5. Devices Usable with Modifications: Are there any devices that become usable for you after making specific modifications or adjustments? If so, please specify the modifications and the devices.

  6. Symptom-Free Devices: Which devices, if any, are completely usable for you without causing any symptoms? (Please list all that apply.)

Social and Lifestyle Factors

  1. Social Interaction: How often do you engage in social activities outside of screen time?

    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
    • Rarely
    • Never
  2. Job Satisfaction: If you use screens primarily for work, how satisfied are you with your job?

    • Very satisfied

    • Satisfied

    • Neutral

    • Dissatisfied

    • Very dissatisfied

  3. Sleep Environment: How would you describe your sleep environment (e.g., quiet, dark, comfortable)?

    • Ideal (quiet, dark, comfortable)

    • Mostly ideal, with minor disturbances

    • Somewhat disturbed (e.g., noise, light)

    • Poor (frequent disturbances)

  4. Daily Routine: How structured is your daily routine?

    • Very structured

    • Moderately structured

    • Somewhat unstructured

    • Not structured at all

Coping Strategies

  1. Coping Mechanisms: Do you use any specific strategies to manage or reduce symptoms related to LED screen use?

    • Yes (please specify)
    • No
  2. Professional Help: Have you consulted a healthcare professional about your symptoms?

    • Yes

    • No

  3. Use of Supplements: Do you take any supplements or vitamins to help manage your symptoms?

    • Yes (please specify)

    • No

Now this is a detailed list! I think it's a great idea but I have a feeling some people will only be comfortable sharing everything if it's some kind of official study. I'll pass it along to some folks who might be able to help and let you know what they say.

sorry i am not native english speaker,for one month i try diet program eating oat every day, 2 times a day for rice substitution before that i never eat oat and after about one month i have headache and migraine whenever i use smartphone before start eating oat i can use smartphone no headache at all,i have google that oat can cause headache migraine brain fog nausea light sensitivity etc i already go to doctor to check my eyes and head and all normal

at first i thought because my phone got automatic update to android 14 but i already downgrade it to 13 and still got headache and i have bought a new one with excatly same type and same original android 13 still got headache

i have stop eating oat for one week but still no improvement,i read in reddit that oat effect can be still in body in a few weeks or maybe a few months after stop eating oat so now what can i do just waiting the effect of oat dissapear from my body

i dont know what happens in my body so depressing feel suicidal
