The new Dasung paper like color revolutionary will support over 33+ hz. When compared to an LCD display they look very similar with how smooth they are and no bad eink ghosting like they usually have. This is great!! It wouldn't let me upload a video here but you can find the video below

Is this a new version of the paperlike color or the same that was available probably a year ago or so?

33hz sounds like we might finally have a solution for normal office use. Even Teams meetings.

    Maxx This is a new version. It's not the same as their Paperlike color 25". It's not currently listed yet anywhere. It may be on the Chinese jd site but I don't have a login. I asked dasung when it'll be available to the US.

    Seems as if they think they could get the refresh rate even higher with how they worded things which is great.

    Please keep the group posted what they respond.

      Maxx they told me probably around 2 months it'll be available in the US.

      16 days later

      I hope this higher refresh rate will not lead to fair reproducing GPU dithering
