Hi guys what's the best windows version for eye strain and migraine?

    6 days later

    Aquila The latest available is the safest. Just launch ditherig.exe with dithering disabling scripts. And switch off all visual effects (best performance option), and you are all set for work.

    And forgot to mention, reduce wifi transmit power to minimum or lower-medium value.

      Donux As if it were that easy!

      I tried ditherig.exe with Windows 11 but didn't notice any improvement. My eyes hurt.

      So I'm back on Windows 10 21H2, which is wonderful. No eye strain whatsoever.


        Zorin OS is a linux version that looks pretty similar to windows, with some app compatibility, and since it's linux it's much more configurable.

        I've used it for a day, it seems good.

        Is that something that would interest you ?

        Edit: after some use, feeling strain. Need to test more.

        I completely eliminated strain and headaches with the following build:

        Gave Win10 a new try the other day with some of the newest builds - it's still shit on the eyes so I reverted to the above and am happy with it for almost 2 years now.

          autobot I was using a bit of humor. The fact is there is an element of adjustment, placebo, and genuine computer vision syndrome, as well as burnout. How do you guys confidently separate this? I personally the moment get comfortable with "the one" solution, few days later feel fatigue, drain and eye strain. The same goes of using laptop screen and after long time switching back to monitor, eyes need adjustment time. All see a lot in these forums of similar behavior. Someone switches to "the one" windows 10 version, and then without mentioning anything switches to Windows 8.1. So what windows 10 did not work after all or what ? :/ Then I am a bit worried when people are pushed to downgrade to some old system that may have known vulnerabilities, and whoever runs these forums may have ip addresses and attempt to exploit this.

            My 1809 win 10 Is 100% safe

            Reinhard62 can you please explain to me how you can stay on a specific build but keep updates on? Doesn't windows automatically update to the newest build if you have it on?


              It's Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 21H2.

              Since there is no newer LTSC version than 21H2 it can't update to a newer build.

                Donux personally the moment get comfortable with "the one" solution, few days later feel fatigue, drain and eye strain

                yeah this is me with many screens I try, it really sucks.

                fortunately though my one "nearly perfect" panel, LP133WD2-SLB1, has stayed just as good for almost a year now. I've also technically owned the laptop for 11 years (although only found it again this year) and I can remember that the panel has always felt good to me, even back when I was first using it.

                so at this point, that's the only one I can say for certain that I can depend on.

                also: that panel is LVDS, but it has an eDP variant (LP133WD2-SPB1)… not sure if it's actually the same as the SLB1, but the specs look supposedly "identical" on Panelook. something I might try is buying a newer 13 inch ThinkPad (e.g. L390 or X390) and then swapping that panel into it

                Valahnuk Yes, but in my case I blocked all updates with Wup update and a firewall to block the access to windows servers.
                Now my windows update panels doesn't appear so it's 100% blocked.

                My win 10 is home not ltsc

                Reinhard62 So this is stripped down version of windows 10, that is used in terminals and other equipment, but it is based on the same base. Can anyone confirm that this works Today without any problems and does eliminate eye strain? As one person's experience may not work for everyone, as this specific version might have something special going on with drivers for this version for specific machine.


                  I was able to use Windows 10 until the updates that came out around May of this year. After suffering for a while my IT group set me up with this version. It's working well and I believe doesn't update. I "think" this is the same one @Reinhard62 is talking about. I've been able to use my computer with this version.

                  Edition Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC Evaluation

                  Version 21H2

                  Installed on ‎7/‎17/‎2024

                  OS build 19044.4780

                  Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19060.1000.0

                    ocean10 So still trying to figure it out, why automatic updates do not roll from [21H2] -> [24H2] on this version? Is it because it was built this way to limit major changes and risk on stability?

                    And are there any official sources (preferably Microsoft servers) where you could download this ?


                      Here's how Microsoft explains it.


                      I think it "updates" but only security patches. I'm not sure where it was downloaded from but I can ask my IT group.

                      I was able to use Windows 10 until one of the May updates installed on my computer. Even if I uninstalled the update I couldn't get it to go back to being usable because part of the update didn't seem to be able to be uninstalled. (couldn't uninstall the "Servicing Stack" that came with the update so I assume that caused the issue.)

                      So we started with a fresh "old" computer (Lenovo T450s) and it has been working with this LTSC version.

                      [moderator note: Please do not link to Windows ISO's on the forum]

                      Donux Windows LTSC doesn't get automatic feature updates and only receives small security updates. For example, if you install IoT Enterprise LTSC 2021 which is based on the 21H2 feature update, you're stuck with 21H2 for all 10 years of support until 2032.


                        You receive updates but no gimmicky stuff because this is an edition for enterprises.

                        And: 21H2 is the newest LTSC version of Win 10. So there is no other build to update to.

                        (In other words: There is no LTSC version of 22H2, which is the newest, "normal" Win 10 build.)

                        And, of course, there is no 24H2 of Win 10, anyway.

                        And yes, I can confirm that 21H2 LTSC runs perfectly with all software: I have installed Office 2021, Adobe Photoshop, Bridge and Indesign and tons of other programs. It's not a "castrated" windows. Only those superfluous "apps" are missing.

                        And for my very sensitive eyes it's heaven.
