As I still have my device (Macbook Air M3) that I can't use (report is here), and Huawei which I opted for (another report), I figured there is one solution to marry these devices - via Chrome remote desktop

I use it to connect from my windows machine to the macbook, and it works just fine 🙂 this is not a superb experience, but when I really need a macOS device for something, at least I do not have to stare at it (cause even just a five minutes of work gives me an eye strain and nausea).

Probably there are other remote desktop solutions and apps, but this one is just super easy to use, and no need to install anything.

Hope somebody will find it helpful

Do you happen to know if this solution supports 60 fps and 4:4:4 color subsampling?

    simplex probably not, because even black colors look more like gray when they are broadcasted via this tool, and overall colors are not rich and look very simplified. so the quality is reduced and there is no way to change it, at least I do not see any settings for it. so yeah not for professional work with video or images. I use it for software development, so for me this work very well.
