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  • With the new election results, maybe incandescent will come back. :)

Trump is someone on the record as not liking LED lights because he thinks they mess with the color of his makeup.

Never know, he might get rid of the regulations banning incandescents. TBD!

    Sunspark I actually thought of this too. A reversal of Bidens lightbulb ban. No real proper research was ever done on the safety of LEDs as the only lighting source. I would love the reintroduction of other bulbs - incandescent for homes and ccfl for tvs, laptops and phones.

      Sunspark Politics aside. I think the last domestic (in US) incandescent light bulb factory closed ~15 years ago, so even if standards were reversed, that doesn't necessarily mean they're going to automatically come back.

      Halogen might be different.

        At least this kind of factory is easy to re-open, though there would be supply right away from Mexico, China, etc.

        It is strange to me that the government mandates that a bulb cannot be used when it doesn't pollute the air and doesn't require toxic materials in its manufacture.

        "But the electricity!". So? If people are paying for it..

        • KM likes this.

        moonpie The entire world has moved beyond flickering, inefficient incandescent bulbs in homes. Stop buying cheap, garbage LED bulbs.

        generally, I love my Waveform lightbulbs, they solved my issues with feeling constantly drained under regular cheap LEDs at home, objects are finally not "washed out" anymore, they're able to achieve 2700k while keeping "white looking white-ish instead of totally yellow", and for 90% of usecases they're an ideal incandescent replacement (also, pretty sure I prefer them to halogen)

        but I still have a few incandescents and there's definitely something still unique about them I haven't seen captured in other lighting types yet. there's certain colors that I can only see under incandescent light (mostly blue-greens), even compared to Waveforms's high CRI

        I'm already pretty relaxed under Waveform, but I can tell I'm even more relaxed under incandescent, despite the flicker. I can definitely tell the difference

        (I don't think I'm "just biased", because I hadn't been using incandescent at all for 10 years, so I don't really have a "innate" preference for it. Just going off of what I'm seeing + feeling today)

        JTL I think the last domestic (in US) incandescent light bulb factory closed 15 years ago, so even if standards were reversed, that doesn't necessarily mean they're going to automatically come back.

        Incandescent light bulbs were being manufactured this whole time, even in the traditional A19 size, within the allowable wattage limits. I’m not sure who was making them or where, but given this fact, I would think that bringing back 60W and 100W incandescents would be trivial.

        I bought a few 60W incandescent bulbs from HealthLighting. These supposed have an even healthier spectrum versus standard incandescents, although the bulbs are very expensive and I didn’t personally detect a significant difference as far as comfort. I’m not sure how these are classified that they were able to get around the prohibition (perhaps some form of “specialty” or “therapeutic” use, although I’m speculating).

        The only way the spectrum would be different would be with the gas mix they used to change the white point.

        Incandescents and halogens are the same bulb, the difference is halogen uses a different gas so it burns hotter, which is why it looks whiter than regular incandescents. Structurally, both are the same bulb.

        I suppose they could have made a custom filament that might support even hotter temperatures, which would affect the price.

        That's about it.. the gas mix and the filament's ability to resist heat without snapping.

          Sunspark The only way the spectrum would be different would be with the gas mix they used to change the white point.

          In the case of HealthLighting, the difference is the ingredients they use in the glass. The information is on their website. I can’t personally vouch for the validity of the science behind the health benefits they claim, but that is what they have to say about it. I thought it was a pleasant light, but didn’t notice a significant difference as far as comfort.

          LED light is and will always be lower quality light. It does not match the quality of incandescent light. I have a incandescent bulb stockpile and the new old stock stuff I have last so damn long. The newer stock stuff doesn't last as long. They can certainly make longer lasting ones if they wanted. Also you can dim bulbs to get more life out of the. The energy savings from led is not worth the low quality light that is also circadian disrupting. They also don't emit IR. I am hoping rfk jr pushes to unban the bulbs. Forcing LEDs upon everyone is terrible and only is making people sick.

          moonpie Luminescent light won't ever be as good as incandescence. They use blue or UV led with phosphors to be able to emit other colors. We already know certain phosphors cause eyestrain with people. Also that bulb is unnecessary. Any incandescent bulb is fine. I think I paid $1.41 for a twin 25w pack of new stock ge a19's. If I had to spend 10x that to obtain them I gladly will do so. No one will convince me to use LEDs. I priortize my own health over energy savings. Also LEDs don't emit IR like incandescent light does which is very healing to our bodies. Even the appearance of led light just looks so garbage compared to the other.

          moonpie actually MANY people have issues with fluorescent lights there's certain ballasts that are actually alot worse. Certain stores, and doctor offices have set off bad symptoms for me in the past and I think the light as a kid in school was triggering too. Cfl and fluorescent isn't good light. Halogen is better then those.

          I don't have any of what you mentioned, closest is a ccfl tv

          moonpie well I don't mean balasts as the only issue.. as we were mainly speaking of led. From what I showed there is narrow spikes, no red or ir light, a lot of blue light. It's very far from anything natural. Figured you would understand that from the pic

          Actually I don't use the screen on my uprtek as it gives me symptoms. I use my phone as it's the most tolerable thing I own other than eink. I use my phone camera to view the screen unfortunately. I am mostly speaking of light in my house that I'm exposed to as I'm home. I do have some devices that are led lit still but I try to stay away from led as much as I can since it's not good light to be exposed to.
