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I use iPhone 11 - best IPS display.
I use Macbook Pro 2014 15’’ - best IPS display, comfortable for work during whole day.
In terms of built-in IPS display I've found the following 2 strange bugs in Macbook Air M3 15''. This makes image quality unstable poor, makes some visual interference, makes pressure on eyes.
It must be a video driver bugs, software level bugs. If those 2 things can be fixed. Then I hope image quality will be as stable and good as it was in Macbook pro 2014 IPS display.
Can someone help to fix the following things?
Brightness F1-F2 flickering bug.
I. if Autobrightness is OFF - brightness F1-F2 changes smoothly ONLY WHEN ANY video player is active: Chrome-Youtube, QuickTime Player, etc…
II. if Autobrightness is ON - brightness F1-F2 changes smoothly ALWAYS, even player is active or not.
So if Autobrightness is OFF, then flickery effect appears when video player NOT active.
If Autobrightness is ON - some instability in plain colours also there, but less visible. Plain colours still are not as comfortable and stable as it is in MBP 2014 15'' IPS.
Also noticed that when I use QuickShade App (simple screen shader app) then interference in plain colours are more visible and annoying. Semitransparent black shader makes more visible colour interference. When I use same QuickShade App on my MBP 15'' 2014 IPS - no such effect, all colors shaded evenly.
Request to Apple: when Autobrightness is OFF - I prefer to have smooth brightness changing F1-F2 ALWAYS, even if video player is NOT active (Chrome-Youtube, QuickTime Player, etc…) AND plain colours without interference when not using video player.
It can be a bug in video driver, power save optimisation (but I never use any power save options in settings), light sensor work, or combo, or something else
Shown in the video:
Gradient is not smooth - Lagom test.
I compare same videos using 2 Macbooks (2014 Pro and 2023 Air) and notice that 2014 Pro much smoother in terms of gradients. How to make gradients in 2023 Air stable and smooth?
Shown in the video:
Request to Apple
If so many people (current users of Macbook Air M3 IPS) feel uncomfortable with the default software / driver display settings, our goal is to push Apple to add into Settings some option to manage those things. If one-of-a-kind PhD wants to use it - he can turn it ON. But the majority of users prefer to turn it OFF…
M3's IPS display has some software "improvements" that actually make image worse. Hope Apple will make option to turn the following things manageable, I would turn it OFF:
Add to Display Settings:
- On/Off instability in plain colours (especially black text on a white or light background), simple shaders all colours shaded evenly.
- On/Off F1-F2 flickering (auto gamma)
- On/Off Gradients not smooth - gradient algo to make Lagom test smooth
It will satisfy majority of the users. The only way is flexibility in settings to make display comfortable for different eyes.