I have done lots of testing on tons of devices and actually have had conversations about PWM, dithering, FRC, flicker, Laptop screen brightness, font issues, going from millions of colors to billions of colors.
It seems like the biggest change started with 10.15 to Version 11 with the noticeable font changes as well as a lot of other internal things.
One example of testing is on the MB Air M2/M3 15in and MB Air M1/M2 13in arch linux runs fine with no dithering or eye strain.
They are aware of the issues but it's only affecting roughly 1.5%- 2% of the customer base so not really large enough to do much. It's all about making everything pop colors wise and its cheaper to use software for those 98% of the people it does not bother. Sequoia is a little better with the font adjuster built in on a 8bit LCD but still not good enough.
It is frustrating but with the correct computer Windows 10/11 and Linux can be made to work for some of the people. Look for a old fashion IPS, Intel graphics, matte screen, lower nits, SRGB, turn off dynamic lighting, tweak motion settings, etc. Linux takes a little bit of tweaking but you can generally do more in linux.
I think the Mac fans that have issues that have been holding onto the 2014/mid2015 Macbook Pros are almost to decision time to leave as the M2/M3 15in Air had hope but is not working for lots.