I went to yet another Best Buy and tested the suggested code in terminal. I will go to the Best Buy with the model I found most comfortable tomorrow to compare, but here are the results.
Sky Blue 13” M4:
Silver 13” M4:
Once again, the Sky Blue was more comfortable, but less comfortable than the previous unit at the other store. This could be because they had abohr the worst overhead fluorescent/LED lighting I’ve ever seen. I could not even look at the carpet it was so bad.
And I can also tell you all it is not placebo because of my COVID complications my left eye is incredibly sensitive to light and flashing lights of any kind and will protectively shut when exposed. So it’s a sure way for me to tell within 5 seconds whether a screen is uncomfortable.
All this being said, that doesn’t mean I - or any of you - will be able to tolerate this computer over a long period of time. I’ve been going to stores because I need a Mac for work and I’m trying to rule out these computers before I waste my time buying them and returning them. Like I said, I can tell almost immediately whether I can tolerate a screen so I don’t need to take several days to see, unless the computer causes very minimal issues in which case I’ll put it through the paces. But I’ve not been able to find one in 2 years.