AshX It does have PWM, though
PWM is another factor. Imagine, your backlight LED flicker, then pixels on the screen also flickers, each has own frequency. With PWM-free screen, you get only pixel flickering (FRC)
AshX Is there a standard equation used to determine FRC freq based on refresh rate?
Nope, I did measurments by myself with panels. First I run it in 6-bit 60hz mode, made 4k60 video record, then run panel in 8-bit mode (and found FRC patterns), then run panel in 6-bit + GPU dithering (spatial, dynamic, temporal), and found difference. 4 repeating FRC patters at 60hz screen mean 15hz flicker
Another flickering factor is pixel-inversion (4 types), but it doesnt impact from my experience, it has screen_refresh_rate/2 formula, and provides a uniform fill
AshX claimed it was an 8 bit display
Best way to check is display true 8-bit, to run it in 6-bit keeping disabed GPU dithering. If you feel better, the monitor is 6-bit with agressive FRC. All monitors/screens 2k75 / 2k165 / 2k120 / FHD 60 / FHD 100 I tested were 6-bit, I am not sure 8-bit exists