My possible solution, treatment and progress so far
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Hey, sounds very typical for me. Even if I repeat myself. One conclusio of the health discussion was also that many of us are suffering from chronical sinusitis too. So there was/is very much accordance between many of us.
Probably we are not talking about a bacterial infection. Also I don't know what kind of infection/inflammation it exactly could be, however a permanent activated immune system is a marker for that.
Also I was texting with CFS sufferer and to a certain degree it sounds very similar to our disease pattern.
Edit: @AGI you are italien right? Then you are awake very early in order to post in this thread :-P
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Yeah. I already assumed sleeping problems. Many of us have them too. I'll take some meds and some dietary supplements in order to sleep better.
chronice fatique could also be the epiphenomenon of a disease we do not know or a new kind of unknown auto immune disease.
Also it is possible that the chronice fatique comes from the long lasting bruxismn.
The idea of my health thread was to explore these commonalities between us and hopefully find someday the root cause of all this.
Do you think the eye strain could be a somatoform disorder? Hard to believe for me since many of us share a set of triggers and symptoms, but who knows. Today I talked to a renowned specialist in the somatoform field who strongly believes it is a somatoform issue. He didn't explain why and didn't even hear all triggers and symptoms (no time to tell him in detail). All he knows is some lightings and screens cause eye strain and headaches and it's hard to find an explanation. What do you think? I guess when you suffer from a somatoform issue it may be hard to accept it and you would try to find reasons against it. Which could be what I do for example when I say "but others have the same triggers and symptoms" or "this screen always hurts and that screen/setup is known-good, so I can't be imagining things".
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Dont get me wrong, I can only speak for myself, but - Ive had symptoms of sinusitis when doing the exercises (as well as when being exposed to the harmful displays) and also eventual tightness and cracking in my jaw (very loud one). I got checked for sinusitis and also for jaw problems, sinusitis is negative and Ill get more examinations for jaw. However, since the only significant find is the heterophoria, and since its a very rare and completely under-described phenomenon, I believe it might be that feeling of full sinuses is simply when the muscles (which are in the sinus area) get overworked, and the jaw muscles might tighten due to an attempt of the whole area to keep tight those eye muscles, that due to the heterophoria, cannot keep tight (transferred muscle tension). All these things are well known in other parts of the body with muscle problems (broken toe can transfer to muscle pain in the pelvis, as whole system is out of balance and balances it out with previously unused muscles, or unnatural ones for the task).
And since many of you already have a find in the eye-muscle area, Id blame that and incompetent specialists that are not so far able to help you completely.
I progress now at a steady pace and I really notice week to week slow but noticeable differences in tolerance. Its like Im training to run a marathon and can run a bit longer every time. However Im not sure if ill be able to run with no end (work on a large problematic display for many hours). I will see.
Maybe not the best-matching thread, many of you are "forced" on laptops? I have been using almost exclusively laptops since 2010, a bit due to the nature of my work but mostly because of eyestrain. Basically I had a "good" laptop and I stuck to that, until I was told in late 2016: "Windows XP, seriously? No way!"
Then I could well handle a laptop with Windows 7. Monitors tend to give me more problems, but I had good times with CRT and LCD ones as well. I wonder how many of my neck and head tensions are also caused by sitting the whole day bent down in front of 13" display...
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The SEE sick syndrome exercises helped someone who emailed me:
I did the two simple exercises which are detailed here:
basically, I looked at swinging ball and two pencils. However, as I stated my post, this cured me and I am now comfortable using any computer or smart```
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ryans ive been using my friends macbook (2017 13in touchbar) now for nearly two hours with no glasses on. Slightly uncomfortable, feel pressure in head but its manageable and more than useable. With glasses it should be fine but I dont have them here. I think Im nearing a point of full recovery now. I guess two more months of exercising.
Very similar goes for horizontal heterophoria.
I got a short report of my eye examination:
both sides hyperopia, astigmatism
Visus: F cc: both sides 1,25, no + accepted (numbers)
Bagolini test: F / N positive
Stereo: Long l positive
Cover Test: F / N Esophoria
PCT: F + 1 ° N + 2 °
Motality: unobtrusive
Accomodation near point: right eye 7.1 dpt, left eye 6.6 dpt -> normative
Prism compensation: with 4 pdpt base outside spontaneous no change, no diplopia, no strenuous vision"
I got a 4 pdpt patch on my right glass. I currently wear +0.5 dpt glasses which are supposed to be slowly increased up to +2 dpt. Still eye strain from lighting after 13 days. Not sure yet if there is any relief yet.