verlaeufer Pretty certain I have issues with dithering.

If dithering is your problem a new monitor isn't going to solve it since it comes from the GPU. Are you just trying to rule out other stuff?

    hpst There is differences in the quality of dithering depending on your panel and the new IPS panels seem to work. I was in the store yesterday, and with the LGs I seemed to be fine.

    I can slighty rule out refresh rate and PMW, due to various different displays I am sitting in front of: VN/TN/60hz/144hz/Full HD/WQHD Pc with 1070 or Intel Onboard Graphics as well as Macbook Pro/iPhone 7.

    • Resolution doesn't seem to be the issue, scaling does nothing, Full HD / WQHD seems the same when it comes to headaches
    • Blue light isn't the issue, flux does nothing/bluelight filter glasses do nothing
    • Eyes are okay, still asked for bluelight glasses, which do not help
    • Refresh rate: If any difference, I have the feeling that 144hz is making me motion sick, but there is no change in headache
    • Macbook Pro Bootcamp or Mac OSX show no difference
    • With a Hackintosh OSX (either Intel on or the 1070 on) the headaches remain
    • Dithering is the last big remaining thing to rule out, after that its down to a mixture of problems.

      verlaeufer Dithering is the last big remaining thing to rule out, after that its down to a mixture of problems.

      @JTL is working on a detector using a capture card...which if successful could then lead to an "off" switch. Until we can turn it off and verify it's off we are really just flailing. I hope the new monitor works for you...but my biggest stress has always been not being able to find out WHY something does or doesn't work so I can lock that in and reproduce it. I've had mostly the same experience as you in general and agree dithering is the last great "unknown".

      degen Fastest. Contrast 55. I don't use strobing but if you can tolerate it you will see added benefit. Having the contrast below 68 causes no overshoot when you have it set to fastest. Brightness I think mine is set to zero or close to. 0 - 20 seems fine for me. I don't use the blue filter.

        jasonpicard Strobing will bring it more to a CRT like smoothness. Not sure though if it would be good for reading text on a webpage. That's up to each individual person. My computer sucks so I can only run hdmi 120 computer or 60 hz consoles. I have had so much hooked up to it no issues. It's considered in the top 3 fastest 144hz according to Blur Busters and one user thinks it's the best.

        degen Your the plasma TV guy right? I can tell you as an owner of plasma TV's I play Sonic on this thing and I can't tell the difference visually between this and my Plasma. When it is set to fastest it looks amazing. Obviously the Plasma gives better color but everything else is better on this monitor.

        degen Forgot a couple more settings. Gamma is set to 4 and I am using the black equalizer forget what I have it set to. You can almost just set it and tell how good it looks when the blacks look good. I never play with the settings after this in fact I don't think I have changed them since the second day.

        13 days later

        degen , would you be able to give a short review and your experiences with this screen? Did it solve the issues you had?

          Markus I don't think this monitor gets released till August 4th. I'm waiting to see reviews for it.

          deepflame I didn't find relief with it. I find the TN panel is easier to focus on, but the lowest brightness is still way too bright and the light hurts and feels harsh rather than focusing on the screen hurting. I returned it and am back to my BenQ EW2440L. Me and @KM seem to have very similar responses to tech, perhaps the motion handling is a cure for another subgroup.

            ok. just ordered one (LG24GL600F) . i've been wanting to try the 144hz thing & strobing for a while. it's 'freesync'(vs g-sync), so it doesnt work fully with nvidia, so i may finally try a radeon card too.. [edit] not the droid you're looking for. Doom at 100+fps is pretty sweet though. This screen does seem to fix the motion problem I was getting from the Benq, but at the price of bluelight headaches

              I use a MSI Optix MAG27CQ (the newer higher res MAG27C) and an MSI GTX 970. Have no bad triggers from it on Windows 7.

              degen dang, the LG is so crisp vs the ew2440.. but yeah it's harsh. headache already after 10 minutes. i'll give it a few days.. displayport cable and radeon 580 in the mail to test those variables

                reaganry Is it brightness that is killing you? I can't know how your room is lit up but what about just running the windows night light a little just to dim the screen? The way my game room is lit up I have 6 halogen lights and one incandescent and 3 other incandescent lights out in the hall. I try to over power the LED screen. Although I have brought this with me on vacation and used it in a dim room and had no real issues. I do find reading web pages hitting that night light just a bit to dim the screen helps.

                  jasonpicard better with windows nightlight and 1060(vs 750). i guess in next couple of days the headaches will either go away or get worse.

                    reaganry I believe everyone on this forum is going to have issues with bright LEDs on monitors. Everyone that is released is 6500 K. Most of us can only tolerate the old CRT's at 2900 K and the occasional CCFL 4100k. If we are just talking about the brightness issue of all new monitors. My suggestions make your room brighter then your screen with good lights you can tolerate. Also can you go outside with no sun glasses on? This one I believe is a big deal. We are designed to be in bright light. The sun is way brighter then LEDs. No one is saying to go on a spiritual quest and stare into the sun. Go out side with no sun glasses on everyday even if it's only for 30 seconds a day at first. Sunrise and sunset is the easiest time to be out. When the sun elevation is above 30 degrees is the next time. That is UVB (vitamin d) and it doesn't penetrate as deep into the body and eyes. When the sun is below 30 degrees elevation you are getting hit with UVA which would probably be the hardest on your eyes. I think too many of spend time in doors with dim lighting it makes our eyes weak. Just some thoughts.
