reaganry I believe everyone on this forum is going to have issues with bright LEDs on monitors. Everyone that is released is 6500 K. Most of us can only tolerate the old CRT's at 2900 K and the occasional CCFL 4100k. If we are just talking about the brightness issue of all new monitors. My suggestions make your room brighter then your screen with good lights you can tolerate. Also can you go outside with no sun glasses on? This one I believe is a big deal. We are designed to be in bright light. The sun is way brighter then LEDs. No one is saying to go on a spiritual quest and stare into the sun. Go out side with no sun glasses on everyday even if it's only for 30 seconds a day at first. Sunrise and sunset is the easiest time to be out. When the sun elevation is above 30 degrees is the next time. That is UVB (vitamin d) and it doesn't penetrate as deep into the body and eyes. When the sun is below 30 degrees elevation you are getting hit with UVA which would probably be the hardest on your eyes. I think too many of spend time in doors with dim lighting it makes our eyes weak. Just some thoughts.
144Hz/240Hz Screens - not just for gaming? This new monitor is interesting. Waiting for more reviews and peoples opinions. First of all it's the fastest monitor they have ever tested. It seems pretty amazing at every refresh rate which is great because a lot of our devices still run at 60hz. This is also the first monitor with the strobing technique that inserts black frames at the exact same time as the refresh rate so no flicker. Before this BFI was offset from refresh rate so lots of flicker. Allowing you to get as close to CRT and flicker free as possible. Price isn't too bad either at 349 US. It is only a TN panel but from what I understand in the next couple of months I believe a new IPS version is coming out as well with incredible TN like speed. Here is the link to the IPS version you need google translate.
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Good youtube video on BFI and PWM (rtings, 5 min) - basically BIF is forced flickering intended to fight moving objects blur. The rest of videos on playlist are quite good too.
cybee the difference though is this monitor I posted uses BFI at the same time as the refresh rate. This is a first for any monitor. BFI on any other monitor will induce flickering.
jasonpicard hmmm, so they use BFI out of refresh rate on some monitors/tv's ? Wouldn't it defeat it purpose ? I thought the BFI is used to 'erase' current frame contents, i.e. one blink before every referesh. But I have never used a BFI-enabled display, so maybe I misunderstand...
cybee disregard my above comment I think I am misunderstanding and have the wrong monitor. There is a monitor coming out but I don't think it's this one now. I think it's this one. For some reason I thought it was this Acer monitor. I was wondering why that feature wasn't getting more attention.
cybee I bought a Samsung CFG70 I think 2 and 1/2 years ago. At the time I thought because it was quantum dot it was going to solve my problems. Probably about 10 months ago I discovered it had the strobing option. Couldn't use the screen but with strobing I could. I almost thought it was good but about a week in started having trouble with it. I believe it's just the mild flicker which is less harsh then PWM. I still have hope for strobing though. I have it on my LG monitor right now but I don't have display port. It can't be activated with HDMI.
jasonpicard who knows, maybe, CRTs are basically BFIing all the time...
jasonpicard have you actually gotten the Freesync strobing working on the LG? it requires AMD Radeon 570+ (i have one coming).
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reaganry I can't use it because I only have it hooked up by hdmi. I run 120hz on the computer and 60 Hz with consoles and max settings for overdrive. I don't have display port. The technology to run freesync and strobing at the same time not sure if it exists yet? Are you saying this monitor supports that?
Markus No unfortunaltely the releasedate was moved till end of august (28th)
jasonpicard oh, no i guess not Does Lightboost=strobing=BFI? this guy says: " I have a 120hz 1080p display that can do black frame insertion/strobing. Black frames make an LCD look like a CRT. It removes LCD persistence, which started really screwing me up several years ago. I would lose my character or cursor in complex scenes when fighting in say a MOBA. Black frame insertion was a savior and I simply will not consider a monitor without it."
reaganry yeah different monitors have different names for it. On a Samsung monitor is labelled as fastest. Light boost was the first name for it I think.
verlaeufer The LG 27GL850 is now available. Do you already own one? What ist your experience?
@Markus Hi! Didn't buy it yet. Bought new glasses instead. Lo and behold, it was my eyes causing me all this strain all these years. I am happy I found my cure and I sincerely hope all of you find yours! <3
verlaeufer What type of glasses? what do you fixed? I am happy for you
Guys are you talking about "астигматизм"? I have this problem too. And many others people in russianspeaking eyes forum faced with this problem. But i haven't figured out with this. Doctor said me to buy glasse with Glasses with accommodation unloading but i haven't buy it yet. You storry make me feel bettey and give an hope that this can solve my problem. I will try to fit glasses for me next week and write here about my results
arturpanteleev No, the word you used is astigmatism (spherical distortions). This is not what was mentioned, the most recent reply is about нистагм which is small jerking movements of the eye, which can be caused by many things including inner-ear disorders. I would advise you, if you're getting glasses for desktop use, to tell the person making the prescription how far away you sit in CM from your screen. It is not enough to say reading distance, because the distance for books is different from that of screens.