Survey is closed and now I will start to publish result data by some pieces!
There are 31 people which participated in survey! MANY THAKS FOR ALL!
I'm using R to draw graphics, it's my first attempt and if your know how make it better please contact me. Data in all pies is presented in %.
Be careful with any speculations below cause there are only 31 responses and it could be statistically incorrect to make any generalizations.
Please note that survey duration was 6 month, so there is at least 6 month error in all dates.
There are also several not fully correct question:
- Question about problem duration was restricted by "> 15" years, and in representations below it's converted to "15" years : 6 people in "2003" year on corresponding year distribution)
- In question about trauma it's not clear when it was occured (before led related problems or not: "Have you ever had trauma in any of these body parts?")
"How old are you?" - "How many years do you have these problems?"

2018 - "How many years do you have these problems?"

"Do you have now any problems with: Overtensioned jaw/head muscles, Jaw, Neck, Back, Shoulder?"
Correlation between "Age/Year of problem start" and presented problems
"How many citizens live in your city?"

"Have you ever had trauma in any of these body parts: Head, Shoulder, Back, Brain?
To be continued...