kammerer Thanks again for your work. I agree that there are multiple factors at play. However I am more and more inclined to think that my condition is due to something very subtle like an intolerance to light from certain regions of the spectrum and/or flickering. I was thinking thru the past 10-15 years. I worked for instance with a guy affected by evident strabismus. He did not have any issue with pc, monitors and so forth. Out of 100 people there will be probably only a few who do not have back or neck issues, jaw issues, sleeping problems. It is not the other way around. I had 3 horrible years at work from 2013 to 2016, two good years between 2016 and 2018, and after that it has been the worst nightmare imaginable. What is the difference? The devices I was forced to work on. The office lighting.
I have had so many good and bad moments spanned over 15 years that I cannot believe I am now paying the consequences of over-use. With good I mean I could stand in front of electronic devices forever, work over 80 hours a week.
So for me nowadays jogging helps, stretching helps, but after a few minutes on a bad device I am still back to the nightmare. It is not the jaw, it is not my neck. It is something which doctors cannot understand. Eyes or brain or whatever. That said, I cannot get cured for something which cannot be diagnosed, so all I am left with is to try to sleep more, do more sports, buy a mouth bite, do stretching, bla bla bla, but none of this is a game changer. Only my opinion.