I'm planning to make a bit extended survey in few weeks later. According to your suggestion i will add next questions:
What are triggering your problems (please also add some clarifications in 'Other' section)?
All of used LED monitors/dispalys
Only some of LED monitors/dispalys
All of used CCFL monitors
Only some of CCFL monitors
Led lamp light
Natural light (sunny weather)
Natural light (cloudy/rainy weather)
White color (wall, building, etc)
Blue color (wall, building, etc)
Specific VGA driver
Specific VGA adapters
Specific main processor
Specific display connection type to external monitor or inside notebook
What problem do you have (please also add some clarifications in 'Other' section)?
Eye discomfort
Eye pain
Eye tingling
Double vision
Other eye problems
Ear problems
Head muscle overtension
Strained head
Neck pain
Neck muscles overtension
Body excitement
Problems with sleep
No problems
Most of the people in current survey have sitting job, so next question would also be suitable:
How many times do you have current type of sitting job (if you have before more sitting job type also count it, count 'totatly sitiing' and 'mostly sitting' as same)
Or maybe ask more general question, how long do you have current lifestyle/job type?
Any further suggestion are welcome.