For the first time in ~5y I have discovered a screen that I can look without discomfort at all - Samsung Chromebook 3 XE501C13-K02US (Intel HD Graphics 400). I was waiting week+ to make sure it's not the optimism before I write this I've been 12+h a day online without my daily eye burn
I have eliminated many factors, but still need help to narrow it down!!
It's screen is 11 inch LED mate. Since it's small I connect it to a Dell ST2410b (2-lamp direct CCFL lamps as opposed to the 4 lamps used by conventional monitors).
Both monitors the laptops and the external CCFL feel same to me.
I'm mainly Mac user (retina and air). This monitor (mate) turns bad with both my laptops.
F.lux does not make difference for me. The monitor is CCFL. I always weare AMber Gunnars when in front of screen as it improves a lot the contrast for me.
Sooo the issue is not with LED and blue light
The chromebook is 60HZ, when point camera to it it flickers like crazy. I dont get strain and migraines. I don't have problems being in the office with 10+ fluorescent lights around me as long I dont look at a screen.
Sooo flicker, PWM are not issues for me.
I dont suspect on the fonts either, as non of the browsers I have tried worked for me. Also besides browsers, I use lot of terminal, sublime...each of them has different font and I can feel the discomfort instantly withing 2-3 seconds with fresh eyes.
On the Mac I have tried lower resolution, grayscale, different ICC profiles, 150+ zoom, night shift, increase contrast, external monitor, nothing of that makes difference. Only difference I feel is if I'm in a dark room + low brightness + amber gunnars, then the screen gets more paper/mate look or if I'm outside but with polarized glasses. This setup made me thing that I was intolerant to glare and light...however with the chromebook non of this matters, I use it under flooroscent lights in the office without Gunnars!!!!
All computers I have tried, the text looks so flat and smooth that I can't focus my eyes on it, I struggle to focus and get daily eyes inf-lamination. Mac screen makes my eyes look more inwards the nose. iPhone X is the worst, makes my eyes want to flip.
This chrome is cheap. I feel like I can see a grid in the monitor.
I'm using browser and terminal 99% of the time, so socks5 proxy to my Mac is my work setup ATM
I yet have to research about Temporal Dithering. Any other thoughts besides it what can be the issue? Anybody else have similar problem like me?