• HardwareLaptop
  • Lenovo Legion Y740-15IRHg 81UH0064MH Eye Safe or Strain?

Hi guys and gals, thanks for the help over the years. Still hoping they remove the eye straining tech...
I have an old Lenovo B50-80 with an i5 5200U and windows 8.1 and mostly no issues from it. New Apple phones and computer screens will give me optic nerve migraines within a week of daily use. I use an Apple iPhone 5 with no issues, but the newer ones so far are not usable for me. I'm thinking of a getting a new Lenovo and wonder if anyone has any thoughts? Looking at Lenovo Legion Y740-15IRHg 81UH0064MH or here https://www.coolblue.nl/product/834486/lenovo-legion-y740-15irhg-81uh0064mh.html is an i7 CPU and NVIDIA Geforce RTX 2080 MAX-Q
Thanks for any help you can offer!

  • JTL replied to this.

    Socrates Given the limited amount of information known about newer Nvidia GPUs and the fact that no "empirical testing" has been done here's a "be cautious" from me.

    Basically no one knows, but it's leaning towards the "bad" side. Make sure you have a good return policy if you buy it.

      JTL Thanks, I'm in Amsterdam, so I have 30 days to return it.
      Which Nvidia series have you read as less straining?
      I'm trying to upgrade as good as I can so as not to need another new computer for awhile.

      • JTL replied to this.

        What about the refresh rate? I see they have 50, 60 and 144 Hz screens.
        The linked laptop is a 144Hz

        • JTL replied to this.

          Socrates I don't know much about Nvidia laptops so I can't really comment there.

          Socrates What about the refresh rate? I see they have 50, 60 and 144 Hz screens.
          The linked laptop is a 144Hz

          50hz on a laptop? That's probably a mistake.

          In any case the panel would be different between each unit of screen with a differing refresh rate.

          • Gurm replied to this.

            JTL it might advertise that refresh but not really do it. My old XPS has a 120hz panel that advertises 50, 60, 110, and 120. It only does 60 and 120, but it advertises the other refresh rates. Not sure why. Might be a PAL vs NTSC thing, like a holdover from European power which is 50hz instead of 60hz, which used to impact old TV's and is the origin of the "PAL is 25fps and NTSC is 30fps" thing.

            • JTL replied to this.

              Gurm I'm aware.

              Gurm a holdover from European power which is 50hz instead of 60hz, which used to impact old TV's and is the origin of the "PAL is 25fps and NTSC is 30fps" thing.

              My thought as well

              JTL Make sure you have a good return policy if you buy it.

              ^^^^ This.

              The limited comments to date on Nvidia 2xxx series GPUs suggest they're not great.

              Also be aware there's probably an Intel GPU in the mix there as well.
