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My initial issues with eye strain were in 2015 when I got my first iMac/nVidia GPU. At the time Windows 7 was still working fine on my older machine and W10 had only just been released so hadn't been mass-adopted yet. My iPhone at the time was still comfortable, as was my Nintendo Wii console and PS3.
Fast forward nearly 5 years and now I can barely use smartphones for more than 20 minutes, Mac induces heavy eyes within minutes and now Windows, although less intense on the eyes is headache inducing and makes me feel spaced out after prolonged use (but within typical 9-5 usage).
So if I walk into a store TODAY and as a consumer (with rights to ensure my health and well-being) buy an Apple product off the shelf, buy an iPhone off the shelf, buy a Xbox One X off the shelf and a Windows 10 PC - all will cause me discomfort. What are my rights and what can I do besides simply not using the devices? Windows 7 will be 99% obsolete for business use next year, most companies will be on W10 now, hence latest updates/drivers, hence strain.
Even if we take the compulsory use of computers in an office job out of the equation, simply for casual use at home these products are not tolerable. Even if the symptoms are temporary whilst using the machines, nethertheless a product has given me physical discomfort. What legal action can I/we take to bring this whole saga to a close? Let's be clear, I'm not anti-technology at all, I love tech - but I want to be able to use it safely, and comfortably without pain - pain which I simply did not have a decade ago. If I said to myself in 2009 that not only could I NOT use an iPhone, but a PC or even a TV would make me feel weird, I would have thought it was crazy talk.
Can we file a class-action law suit against these companies?