Has anyone gotten used to a straining device pushing through?
vaz I've pushed through, on some devices.
By covering one eye, and watch the screen. I read on the forum that it worked better for @martin with one eye, and for me it works really well.
It took 3-4 weeks from iPhone 4S to 5S a year ago, it was like winning the lottery!
This summer I switched to a iPhone 7, it took 1-2 weeks. Back in the old days it took 7-8 minutes until I got bad tension headache and sore eyes with an iPhone 7. Now the day record is 8 hours and 52 minutes, no tension, but my eyes get a bit tired. So it’s like a miracle.
I recently bought the new iPhone 11 Pro. Took 1-2 days with one eye to push throw the tension headache, but I get sore eyes, and it doesn’t get better. So I am trying new ideas to see if it gets better. I can use the 11 pro like 15-20 minutes. I have tried it 3-4 hours in a whole day, after that my eyes was hurting so much, it took some days to recover. So I still use my iPhone 7 with iOS 12.4.1.
So the conclusion is that I can push through tension headache and dizziness by using the screen with one eye.
I have discovered that medicin for sinusitis allows me to watch some screens longer, so my eyes don’t get so sore. First I used a nose spray “nasoferm” (swedish) for blocked nose, and now I use pills “rinexin” (swedish) for sinusitis. So maybe I'm too tight in my nose/head, or the medicin makes something open/relax!? So now I am a “junkie”, I can’t stop using it. I have next doctors appointment in two weeks.
Two weeks ago I got bad news about my mother’s health. So with that in mind I thought about my eye trouble and put on the sadest movie I could find. So I cried a bit, and a bit more. Yeah, I do everything I can to solve this, even if I have to cry like a baby. The results was that my eyes got very sore and it took almost two days to recover.
That was interesting because for some years ago I did a test witch resulted in that my eyes couldn’t hold tears in the eyes like they should. So I will do a new examination next time I visit my eye doctor.
There you have three things to try. And it was a false alarm about my mother’s health, she is ok!
“God Jul” from Sweden!
mike Two weeks ago I got bad news about my mother’s health. So with that in mind I thought about my eye trouble and put on the sadest movie I could find. So I cried a bit, and a bit more. Yeah, I do everything I can to solve this, even if I have to cry like a baby. The results was that my eyes got very sore and it took almost two days to recover.
Sorry about that
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Never had a straining device get better. Often been in a situation where a slightly straining device caused worse and worse strain over weeks. Often been in the position of trying to justify a purchase of <new electronic device which will solve my eyestrain problems>, and the accompanying mental gymnastics, which can cause me to under-evaluate the straining-ness of a device. Usually pushing through will make it worse, and a good device is obvious to me in the beginning.
Would you mind going into more detail?
See I have noticed the further away I am from a problem device the longer it takes for symptoms to present. I do remember someone stating on here that light hitting the periphery of the retina might be a cause. In both my experience, and yours with your pupil constricting medicine, less light from the problem device will find its way to the edge of the retina.
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I pushed through my incandescent lamp recently. I got symptoms from its 100 Hz flicker. Within seconds a feeling of numbness around the eyes and on the cheeks, hard to explain. It would stay for hours. This winter I decided to switch the lamp on and let it run 24/7 until it burned out. I then continued to switch it on during the evenings with a second bulb. After some weeks, the symptoms disappeared. And for now it looks like they won't come back even when I skip days.
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KM Got it, thanks. So you had symptoms also in the presence of incandescent light?
Any chance that what was bothering you was not the lamp?
I have been working from home for a few weeks. I can tell the difference. It took about 10-15 days to see a reduction of the symptoms that developed in the office because of the overhead lights. I am very skeptic I will "heal" one day by pushing through. It has not yet happened over nearly 2.5 years. I have maybe become more resistant, but it is still very unpleasant and some symptoms have worsened / become chronic.