vaz The "Usable Smartphone" thread has too many comments now to browse easily, and for some reason both browsers I have used cannot CTRL-F search correctly within it.

search works, but it's not able to search the whole thread. Posts are loaded "near" where you enter in. As you scroll, more are loaded and some are hidden. Having 1.5k posts loaded at once would make things slow.
Unfortunately, that makes searching not work well. It's a consequence of having a place where you can discuss things, it can become disorganized and hard to find what you're looking for.

To help resolve this, the wiki phone page is available. It's currently comprised of relevant posts to phone models. It could use a lot of documentation of if certain devices has PWM, dithering, or any other thing that's been a issue to help find phones that work.
So, if you find a device that works for you, feel free to edit the page with what you found

Nokia 7.1 has worked great for me. PWM and Dithering affects me, and this doesn't seem to have either

  • vaz replied to this.


    The wiki makes me click on each post which brings me back to the thread as well to be able to read the entire post. In the main forum if I use CTRL-F and Arrow Keys in both Firefox and Chrome rather than jumping to the highlighted search term it just count them down in the bottom bar as if its scrolling them but doesn't move at all...even if I wait. I just want to quickly see all posts with the search term and there is no way to do that here for some with every other website. It's frustrating when software breaks normal UX. The fact that one user is ranting away making the existing phone post longer and longer is making it impossible to manually find things as well if one IS inclined to scroll for an hour or more. All of these issues even worse on mobile.

      vaz I've split this part off as it's more forum focused.

      quickly see all posts with the search term

      There is a search above.

      Do you mean all posts with the search term in a specific discussion?

      • vaz replied to this.

        Slacor Yes but I have just discovered this weirdly only happens if I arrive in the discussion via this forum's search box. If I click on a discussion from the list on the front page etc, and then use CTRL-F in said discussion, the behavior is normal. For example, so we are on the same page about what I think is "normal" CTRL-F searching behavior, if I am on a Wikipedia page and CTRL-F "apples", normal browser behavior as I know it is the search bar will show "x of X results" and highlight the first one or the one in the current view. Then hitting ENTER or using the search box arrows moves to the next highlighted search term. If I enter a discussion here from the list of them and search a term this also happens as expected. BUT...if I enter a term in the forum search at top for say "matte display", and then choose one of the results which takes me to that discussion, and then CTRL-F "matte" or whatever to try and find each instance of that or any other term as above...the page doesn't move but the cursor and highlighting apparently do and the "x of X" number counts down as if its jumping to the next...but again the content on the page stands still and I have to scroll to find the next instance....which in a very long thread is uncomfortable. I had mostly been arriving in discussions that way to look for things so it seemed a universal problem on the forum. Very odd it's just with those conditions.

          vaz Does this video replicate the steps you're describing?

          You are saying that it jumps to the next found word but the page itself doesn't move.
          It seems to be working on my browser, so perhaps it's a browser issue

          • vaz replied to this.

            Slacor That video seems the normal behavior to it moved the page down once you reached the last highlighted search term on the shown page. For me in both browsers it got even weirder and weirder when I checked to be sure it was still acting as I said. After searching for "matte display" in the forum search box I chose the first result "Eyestrain only on monitors with matte finish?" but it doesn't load the discussion on the top of the page...rather in the middle around an @andc comment: "Some cases of eye strain may be actually related to glossy finish". If I CTRL-F "matte" from there or the top of the page either way, it always starts on 2 out of 21 matches in the CTRL-F search bar but nothing is highlighted. If I ENTER or use the arrows it counts up to 7 out of 21 without doing anything at all (and manually scrolling finds nothing highlighted anywhere in the discussion)...and when it gets to 8 out of 21 it jumps to the word "matte", in the title of the thread and its highlighted. From then on it goes down through the highlighted terms like normal. 1 out of 21 seems to be the "matte" from the "matte display" in the forum search box but that never comes up first..only after the first weirdness and it pops back up to the top. Seems 2-7 are invisible somewhere between the forum search box and the title, but still being detected? Same behavior in FF and Chrome. Very...very...very strange. I guess I was entering threads this way via search...CTRL-F wasn't highlighting or moving from several ENTER hits and I assumed it was never going to work and gave up. Now that I know whats up I can work around it, but I was assuming it was just totally broken as I never kept trying beyond the 6 attempts.
