si_edgey came across this recently as a piece of software required net framework 4.7, which is only supported on 1607 and above.

3 years later

si_edgey I’ve had exactly that experience you’re describing after looking at an epilepsy pattern that was posted on this site somewhere. Intense deja vu followed by surreal feelings and then symptoms mimicking a panic attack. I was “brain dead” and groggy the next day. This is really illuminating. I wonder if there’s a medication we can take for this?

    Web Did you ever see a neurologist? I never did, but you can get a 24 hour EEG and go throughout your day (go to Target etc). Epilepsy medications can be rough -- and for a (possibly) "mild" form of epilepsy, a clinician may not prescribe it.

    • Web replied to this.

      si_edgey So yesterday I decided to upgrade to Windows 10 version 1909

      Never, ever, ever update from a working setup. Ever.

      If you have no choice to update, always always always do a full system image prior to updating so you can rollback to a known good state

        a month later

        ryans I haven’t yet but it’s on the schedule for this year. I wonder if migraine medications would work?

        ensete On my home NUC I was on Windows 8.1 and was a good setup. But now that 8.1 as stopped to receive new updates, including security updates, I had to upgrade to Win10. Win 10 22h2 is bad to the eyes. Fast strain.

        My work computer is Windows 10 Enterprise 21h2 and is fine to my eyes. Using with a HP monitor on work, and using brightness on 10% and cutting blue and green is fine for my eyes. Altough letters are somehow blurry, but no pain. I will try and use the work laptop on my home monitor Dell U2410.

        Maybe I can install Windows 10 Enterprise 21h2 on my home PC, and see if it works.

          tfouto Try your work laptop with the Dell monitor first. Then if you are ok, install the same OS. If you want, you can try the W10 2021 LTSC, it's based on 21H2!

            tfouto Win 10 22h2 is bad to the eyes. Fast strain.

            What the heck did MS do to make it so bad 🙁

            You don't need to stop using 8.1 if you liked it.. "security updates" don't matter that much if you are behind a router and aren't in the habit of running random .exe files strangers give you.

              Sunspark well, the browsers aren't updated to. So just surfing the web is enough to compromise the system.

                Sunspark Edge, Chrome are out of support. Only Firefox still has updates. But that won't last long enough either.
