
  • Oct 11, 2023
  • Joined Jul 10, 2023
  • ashento899 If you are able to use current IPS LED laptop and monitors you should be fine. If they cause you problems, this phone will not work for you.

    I bought it and tested it, it gives you a massive amount of control over the screen in options easily found in settings. Colour mode, refresh rate, eye safety, blue light blocking, etc. It's amazing. But it's still IPS LED so it did not work for me. I had the same symptoms as I do with all laptop screens made after 2020.

    • Rui replied to this.
    • I've found I can use the thinkpad T14 gen 1 (NOT gen 2 or 3) without any symptoms at all. They're a 14"display though.

      I can also use older versions of that machine which can be found even cheaper: T490 and T480.

    • wlmsn I agree so much! I've been having a frustrating conversation with Lenovo through a support ticket - they've concluded it's not a problem with their machines as I'm the only person to have ever complained about the screens in their ticketing system. Because I'm the only one who's mentioned it, it's not being logged as an accessibility problem but a 'me' problem.

    • @Zodios dios I just received a new T14 gen 3 laptop at work and am experiencing the same as you. I've been searching for solutions all over the internet and have found many of your posts. I don't suppose you found a solution?
