I can really only agree that as many as possible should give their feedback to Apple. I also wrote an email to accessibility@apple.com and received a personal reply from Apple within 2 days, which at least gave the impression that my concerns were being taken seriously.

Whether it actually brings something, one can not say of course. But the email costs a few minutes of time and if a larger amount of people turn to Apple, maybe something actually happens.

At @ryans suggestion I also emailed Apple accessibility. I'm a big fan of this approach, @Clokwork 's petition idea, and lobbying industry or related groups in general.

Just sent the feedback as well.

It's crazy that I use a Dell XPS for hours while the Air kills me in a few minutes.

Hello lads, this eyestrain started for me around 2016 and I wonder if getting my first macbook in 2014 was the cause. Are there any apps for macbook that help it? I've been using flux but still can't play videogames and I struggle to watch the tv often.

16 days later

Thanks all for e-mailing. Here's a reminder to keep please following up. Don't let them shove you into some backlog. We matter, and Apple needs to fix this! Keep asking for updates.

@M0ritz @Edward @Maxx @Clokwork

3 months later

Unfortunately I'm disabled and have a hard time using the computer for many hours per day so I won't likely get around to it but I think a high priority would be to get them to fix M1 processors and e-ink screens. I'm wondering if by some strange chance the M2 will be better....just wishful thinking I'm sure but maybe a happy accident?

  • [deleted]

Sent them one to describe my issue with eye strain on iOS 15 (ipad air 2). This is what I've got:


Thank you for your email. We appreciate taking the time to provide this feedback, and will ensure that it reaches the appropriate teams. We will follow up if they have any questions or recommendations. 


Hope it is not an automatic reply; I will continue to check if they do follow up.

    [deleted] That's the best I've ever gotten. No follow-up. No feeling of me actually being heard. It's pretty bad. I have my test bench almost setup to start testing PWM with a pretty sophisticated meter.

    a year later

    Bumping this in hopes others do it as well. I just sent them an email with links to 12 different complaints of eye strain and symptoms that I found on here, Reddit and MacRumors forum. I could have sent 100 but I got sick of copying and pasting.

    Maybe if we all email they will take it seriously like they do other physical ailments.

    We gotta at least try, right?

      wlmsn I agree so much! I've been having a frustrating conversation with Lenovo through a support ticket - they've concluded it's not a problem with their machines as I'm the only person to have ever complained about the screens in their ticketing system. Because I'm the only one who's mentioned it, it's not being logged as an accessibility problem but a 'me' problem.

      I will email them. Many of us have already tried contacting Apple customer support via phone and through the feedback form. Apple ignores it. We get the feeling they are trying to sweep this under the rug. I keep coming to the conclusion that a lawsuit is the only thing that will stop this.
