
  • 9 days ago
  • Joined 19 Jan
  • Henry1987

    I have very similar experiences. I am not sure if I have the typical strain as seen on this board. But I have noticed more issues in my occipital area and neck and sometimes in the eyes like you describe after sleep. Its usually worse if I use monitors more than usual or if my issues were overall worse that day and I pushed through. Sometimes opening my eyes at night the issues may start feeling better but I often feel better after standing.

    I also get discomfort or pain from non LED sources. Mostly glare light off a shiny painted wall or certain overhead lights, usually if there is a glare and light through the windshield during the day. Direst sunlight doesn't seem to bother me. Mostly from screens and some are worse than others.

    I also just discovered today that if I use black and white setting on my BenQ Eye care monitors I get more relief. I will be testing this more.

  • ocean10

    I found out my coworker gets really bad headaches unless he uses dark mode on his OS and applications. Seems to work for him. I wish mine were that simple. Dark mode alone doesn't seem to help me that much.

  • ensete

    YES! January 2024 started having massive pressure headaches and many other debilitating symptoms and I figured out early on my eyes were somehow involved.

    Over the past year I have been able to connect a few dots and luckily overall am improved although the issues with the eyes still persist but also improved.

    Windshields will often cause eye strain. It's actually almost instant. Theater stage lights are often quite bad. I have also noticed that light often coming through a window will cause issues.

    Using a computer screen and other screens will cause issues. Although I have bought a couple of BenQ eye care monitors which have helped a lot. I suspect "glare" to be an issue. The monitors I struggle with the most just because I use a computer all day. Luckily I can usually work all day but I am sometimes in quite a bit of pain by the end of the day. My phone can contribute as well but not as much as it used to. I have also noticed if I have ear buds and noise going at the same time it just compounds the issue.

    I have had issues going through a store but that doesn't happen very often. So overhead lights will sometimes cause me issues but not very often.

    I have noticed my eye strain from computer use is often something that builds and usually isn't instant. I will often feel fine for a while and then I start feeling the strain. Sometimes the pain goes away fairly quickly after screen use and sometimes it persists but slowly goes away. It also often resets after sleeping at night.

    Depending on the cause of the eye strain I will often get building tension in the occipital region and sometimes pain in the upper neck at the base of the skull or sometimes a little lower. It will also often spread around the neck to the sides and sometimes the front and upper chest. This is the part that confuses me. I have searched all around Reddit and the internet and I cannot find people complaining of their entire neck tensing up. This doesn't always happen. However I will often get upper neck tension/pressure when driving a car. As soon as I get out of the car it will usually go away instantly.

    Sometimes I have had the issues compound and it triggers a chest or esophageal tightness that will feel like air hunger or shortness of breath. This is the worse symptom I ever get especially if it's severe and can last anywhere from 10 minutes to many hours. Luckily I don't get that much anymore.
