Hi everyone,

I’m just wondering if there is anybody having such experience. It's probably been 3 years since I got the symptom, that is I get much eye fatigue or eye strain after I wake up in the middle of the night or in the morning. It’s something like I get severe dry eyes or some pain in the eyeball(all kinds of pains hard to describe). Those pains will disappear easily and quickly (within 5 mins)by opening my eyes, it’s more like I don’t get pain if I don’t sleep. And also I got those pains by using the good monitors including CCFL monitors Samsung t220 t220g, dell p2415q(these are the only ones that I can use all day long without any problem). If I don’t use monitors, then I don’t have such pain after sleep. So the chances are I got those pains only after using the “good” monitors and sleep? Is anyone having the same experience?Thanks.

    The LED strain 🙂

    1. Old monitors can have bad spectrums (increased blue) ~ after 10k hours of usage
    2. All LED sources around you can impact. Each of them "buzzer" in own frequency and spectrums, kind of stroboscope


    I have very similar experiences. I am not sure if I have the typical strain as seen on this board. But I have noticed more issues in my occipital area and neck and sometimes in the eyes like you describe after sleep. Its usually worse if I use monitors more than usual or if my issues were overall worse that day and I pushed through. Sometimes opening my eyes at night the issues may start feeling better but I often feel better after standing.

    I also get discomfort or pain from non LED sources. Mostly glare light off a shiny painted wall or certain overhead lights, usually if there is a glare and light through the windshield during the day. Direst sunlight doesn't seem to bother me. Mostly from screens and some are worse than others.

    I also just discovered today that if I use black and white setting on my BenQ Eye care monitors I get more relief. I will be testing this more.

    I witnessed the strain after sleep, when I used some device which is not safe, or because of strain after sleep it turned out as not to be safe, or was safe, but not safe anymore, i.e. some kind of change occurred.

    This exactly happened after using my safe pc after updating Win10 with the KB5051974, or same again when made a test with Win10-to-Win11 upgrade.

    The strain I met is 2 types:

    1. Immediantly after using device. I suppose it is ?eye lens reaction for PWM?
    2. Very soft, you can not feel it / or feel very little. But when you stop using device, you feel pain, as more you use, as more painful is. I suppose, it is eye pressure grows up after dithering injection

    The 2nd type can be so strong, even in morning you can feel bad.

    Important note of my personal experience: if you have bad device, all "similar" devices will give you strain. I mean, without bad device, you dont feel strain from LED lamps, but with bad device, even LED lamps could strain you
