Hi, my name is Peter. I'm 36 years old and I'm from Poland. From teenage years I'm PC user. Now it's my job and hobby, so it's important part of my life. Unfortunately lately something went terrible wrong. I will try describe my problem briefly, I hope someone from this forum will help me.
As I stated before I'm PC user many years now. I have never had any problems with monitors. Old TV, CRT, TN panels, IPS panels and others. Also no problems with my eyes, yes, I have small defect of vision (~ -0.5) on left and right eyes and I have damaged iris in my right eye from Air Soft Gun activity (from 2009), but It's not the problem, my sight is very good. I also do sport in moderate amount (cycling 5k km/year) and some calisthenics, nothing serious.
My monitors history in home:
- 1994 to 2000 - CRT 15"
- 2000 to 2009 - CRT 17" (LG Flatron)
- 2009 to June 2020 - Dell 2209WA (IPS, 60Hz, 22")
- June 2020 to now - Dell AW2521HF (IPS, 240Hz, 24")
In work:
- 2004 to 2016 - different TN panels (laptops)
- 2016 to now - Dell P2414H (IPS, 60Hz, 24")
It's was all fine until beggining of November 2020. Something changed, I have no idea what cause that...
From day to day I can't stand my new monitor Dell AW2521HF. I can't even look at screen for more than 5minutes, because I start to fell sick in every possible way (even heart , yea, it's crazy). I tried everything, every possible settings in monitor OSD and nVidia control panel. I even changed lights in the room, monitor setup etc.
For now I'm back to my old Dell 2209WA and it's fine. I feel that my eyes are tired because I was trying find the solution for new monitor and I spent to much time looking at screen even I felt sick from it.
The only changes I remember from beginning of November is:
- I instaled new nVidia drivers
- I updated Windows 10 from version 1909 to 2004.
- I added second monitor (old one) to my desktop setup
- I increased contrast from 38 to 42% to eliminate some problems with image retentions in Dell AW2521HF (for now I went back to my previous settings)
I have no idea what's wrong with me and I don't see any solution for now. Is there any person who has similiar problem and can help me?