I can even switch off dithering on the OLED TV, my eyes dont cramp, but I am shivering. My brain does not like it. The picture is fantastic especially with low brightness. I will give it one more day, if it is unusable tomorrow, i will send it back. I dont think it is dithering with the TV, even when there is still some hardcoded dithering. I even tried it in store with cheap lighting everywhere. At home with no lights and mild daylight, it doesnt work… but i can return it 😉
But wow. What the hell. If i dont find new technology that i can use, i will get old tech to use. I have still 28 years of work in front of me… Some old superlow contrast monitors, unrefurbished. Watching TV on my old monitor is easily possible. I can see the dithering on my screen, but as long as i use black background and grayish text for my browser and dont look at static images i dont see it. White is dancing for me(not on every device, but on my PC). It seems there is no way to turn it off on my new PC 🙁
The thing is it takes away life quality to not be able to watch TV with your family or cartoons with your children. I will use my old TV, it "only" gives me eye strain, that is ok for 2 hour movie, as long as my eyes can get through 8 hours of work.