KM I agree with you that almost all companies that advertise “flicker-free" are joking since their bulbs have very obvious 120 Hz flicker detectable by slow-motion cell phone video. However if they choose to engineer the bulbs differently, companies can make LED bulbs that are essentially flicker-free and much better than incandescents. I believe we should be asking companies to make this kind of bulb. Check out the flicker graph for these old LED bulbs - it’s pretty much flat and the flicker frequency is over 17000 Hz. I own these bulbs and love them. Never a twinge of irritation. They’re easier on my head than even some of my incandescents. This is the kind of bulb I think we should be hoping returns to the marketplace so people have the choice of installing something that’s essentially flicker-free.
I don’t have the proper equipment to test the flicker metrics of my new Waveform bulbs myself, but by cell phone slow-motion video I can’t detect even a hint of flicker and neither can my head. I think the flicker statistics they provide on their website (less than 1% flicker, 0.00 flicker index) are genuine - these bulbs really do seem to have been engineered to be essentially flicker-free.
Unfortunately, where I live, it’s hard to walk down the street anymore without being assaulted by invisible LED flicker. If we don’t want sensitive individuals like me to be in a constant state of migraine, I think we really need to encourage flicker-free LED manufacture. Only having homes with low-flicker incandescents may not be sufficient protection if there's too much invisible LED flicker in the environment. I know I can’t manage to avoid the flickering LEDs owned by others anymore. Unfortunately there are so few actually flicker-free LEDs being sold right now that people don’t have much of a choice. And the “flicker-free" marketing lies today from most companies make it seem like engineering that eliminates the 120Hz ripple and is actually flicker-free is a myth, when instead it is definitely something that used to be done in many LED bulbs several years ago.