- Edited
ensete So that rules out backlight (since the screen has no backlight), refresh rate (since the screen has no refresh rate) colors (since the screen has no colors). But SOMETHING about the Windows 10 desktop compositor that is independent of all those things is still triggering me. When I turn the display off and it puts the product logo on the screen, the screen gives me no problems. Which 100% proves it is Windows 10 itself causing the issue and not any hardware. So this is going back to Amazon
You may also want to try the e-ink display on a known good setup, just as another datapoint. Or any Linux distribution. Or maybe your eyes are still strained from the bad setup? I am sorry to hear this didn't work out for you.
Another option could be a StarTech video card, which is an external USB Graphics card. They told me they don't use dithering, but I was not confident in their response. I realize your issue isn't the graphics card, and is Windows 10, but might be worth a try.